Incontinence issues.

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Melanie 17 years ago.

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    Well, like the diabetes, insulin shots, blood sugar checks and blindness from cataracts is not enough, now we have incontinence issues! When Tazz was first diagnosed we would find huge puddles in the house either in the hall way or kitchen (on the way out the door). his bladder was so full he could not hold it, grapefruit size. This improved on insulin. About 2 weeks ago I noticed a wet spot on the carpet in den. I have 1 that will throw up water when she gets excited so I thought that was it. Well that night I see Tazz standing there peeing away! No hiking leg, just wizzing away. Now I am finding puddles in my kitchen again. Couple days ago I noticed this wet zig-zag trail about 15 foot long through the hall way into the kitchen, and then again the other day when he got excited about something and was going into kitchen. Bless his heart he is dribbling while walking too. I’ve been trying to take him out every 2 hours or so to make sure he goes and it was getting a little better. Once yesterday I carried him out and it took until today for me to recall why my waistline was wet! I thought I spilled water on me. He had wet me. This morning I went to get him up and he’s laying – On my carpet! – in a puddle of pee where he has leaked. Guess I need to go and get him some diapers and pads. Hubby laughing cause right now he’s running around with a fire proof hood type thing on. It is a hood that slips over persons head with face open and it covers the neck. Well I cut a hole for the tail and 2 slits for legs and pulled it up on him (dog not hubby) Face opening is on the top of his back. Put a small hand towel in there, should he leak. Oh what to do? Going to be a tuff weekend. I feel this is from the diabetes, but I am aware it could be bladder infection, prostate or bladder cancer or stones. It is huge puddles that are clear, just like when his diabetes first flared up. Blood sugar was 321 before he got his shot this morning! Will check that in a bit. I have read where PPA is effective and wonder about trying to find an OTC brand of that to try this weekend. Read where Dimetapp tablets contain dosage with some extra med that should not bother them. Funny because I have given him a couple doses of children’s cold/allergy type syrup for runny nose/sneezing that he has, but that did not seem to phase him. Any insight or thoughts as well as ideas from those who have gone through this would be appreciated. TIA.

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