Fleas, fleas and more fleas.

Home Community Dogs Health Fleas, fleas and more fleas.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kurt 17 years ago.

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    I hate a flea! I live in south Georgia and we are really in a bad drought right now. I have 5 dogs and we have never, ever had a problem with fleas. Out of habit we always use foggers at least every 6 months, mainly for spiders which we have a lot of and any other creepy crawlers that might be lurking. We will just bomb the RV, then spend the night in there when we plan to do the house. I love Frontline spray and have good luck with this. Of course they have not been sprayed in a while, but then they have not needed it. They do not run loose and are in a fenced in yard. We do have some neighbors dogs that will run loose now and again. I the last week I have noticed a great deal of fleas on my babies. Some huge egg carriers too so we will be bombing tonight of course. No way they have been on them a while, we definitely would have noticed because they get plenty of attention. I groom them myself so I would definitely have noticed. I just wondered if anyone else was having the same problem. I blame it on the dry heat. We’ve been at this particular location 3 years no problem until now.



    rather than loading your dogs up with chemical sprays you might want to try the drops. much safer IMO. A lot of people swear by 20 mule team borax for fleas. Fences do not keep fleas out, unfortunately. I’m in Central FL & haven’t seen a flea on my two but they are on Advantage year round



    I use Frontline Plus on my dogs for fleas and ticks..Works great and even used on infested katrina animals had here.



    Thanks all. Post sounds worse than it is. This isn’t an infestation. 1-2 are enough to drive my dogs absolutely crazy. One I found about 8 on and that is so highly unusual. I was more or less commenting on the weather. Might have to put something outside for the others but as for me I will continue with the Frontline spray, I have tried the drops and do not have the success others have had. My dogs say "yuck what’s" that and wallow it into my carpet. As for the chemical sprays with fogging. I can hardly find harm in bi-annual prevention. I can hardly pack up and move right now and there are certainly more pesticides being sprayed on the food we are eating in this rural farm land community than there are in my house.



    Our biggest thing this year is the ticks..Walk in woods come out have 10-20 on you and the dogs can be worse..Hate when people use nothing and let ticks just suck blood.Lymes disease is no fun,I know I have it.Mosquito’s not to bad yet but treat for heartworm monthly also as Wisconsin has had many get it even when been treated.

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