cost of rabbit?

Home Community People & Their Pets cost of rabbit?

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    I found someone who is willing to give me a free rabbit in about a month. But I was wondering about how much would it cost total for all of the supplies put together, such as the cage, waterbottle, carefresh, food, etc.



    Hi! Rabbits are wonderful pets. When I first got my rabbit I spent less than $200- including the rabbit. Please remember the other costs that come along with owning a rabbit- spaying or neutering if it hasn’t been done, grooming (you’ll have to have someone trim its nails unless you can do it), medical bills (abscesses occur sometimes in rabbits- mine got one and I spent $2,000 on surgeries and medications before he died, but there are unexpected illnesses and injuries to consider). Also, they can cause damage like chewing electrical cords, furniture, etc., if given the chance. I’m not trying to discourage you from having a rabbit pet, they are great, but people think they are cheap and easy pets when, in reality, they do take alot of work and some money. The people at a pet supply store should let you know what you will need (big cage, litter box, litter, water bottle, food dish, chew toys, food/treats, hay, nail clipper, a bathing product of some sort, toys, harness and leash, etc.). I like Yesterday’s News litter. Also, purchase a harness and leash so you can spend (directly supervised!) time outside with your rabbit. Good luck, hope this helped!



    My supplies was 75$.The bunny was 25$.



    I know the supplies will be about $100 because cages oren’t cheap, but does anyone know around about estimate of how much it is to get a rabbit spayed? When I contacted a shelter through email they told me I can get it spayed anytime before it is four years old. Is this true?



    The sooner the better with getting him or her fixed, in my opinion. Rabbits can act nutty when they are "hormonal" and may develop some bad habits or health problems… This can be avoided by having them fixed early. Most areas have an organization that does inexpensive pet spays and neuters- you may have to ask around and search the internet. I got my rabbit done for $30-40. He was older when I got it done, because I didn’t know about it. Good luck!!!

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