Home Community People & Their Pets NO MORE MEAT!

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    I have found a video on meat. Everyone should watch it but brace yourself. Also they mention PETA< but forogt about that tiny par. The video is much more important.



    This is a PETA Video….If not going to eat meat do not wear leather shoes,gloves jackets and better forget wearing wool also as PETA will have slaughter house videos of them also. I was raised on a hobby farm and worked dairy farms as this is not the norm.



    I could only watch the first few seconds & had to turn it off.
    I agree with dreamhunter65 with everything said.
    Also coming from a farming background, again, this is not the norm….



    Yes it isn’t normal at all, and it’s very inhumane. But how many small farms supply to big companies? Buying from local farms is a much better idea than getting meat from big companies.



    That’s fine if you’re in an area that local farms will supply to you. Here it isn’t that simple.

    I certainly didn’t mean to upset you with my comments but not all of us have these sort of privelages where we are & not all larger meat companies, suppliers act in that sort of manner either.



    I honestly don’t know if there are any local farms around here – there shoud be. I try to stop eating meat altogether.



    What’s one person not eating meat going to solve?



    PETA… ugh. *rolls eyes* My little girl asked me yesterday as I was getting dinner ready, where pork chops come from. I said, "Pigs". She said, "Eww… I’m not gonna eat pork chops anymore. I don’t want to eat an animal." I asked her where she thought the steak she had the night before came from or the chicken nuggets she so enjoys. She said, she wasn’t going to eat steak anymore either, because cows are animals too. I asked her "What about the chicken?" She thought for a minute and then said, "Mom, are people supposed to eat animals?" I told her yes, people are omnivores and that’s why our teeth are shaped more like a dogs teeth than the teeth of a horse or a cow." Incidentally, my sister and her family used to run a chicken farm like the ones in that video. They had 6 houses, each filled with some 10 thousand birds. Their birds were not treated like the ones you see in that video. God, I can’t tell you how many nights they sat up nursing and watching over birds to make sure they were healthy… there were very many. Not all farms are like the ones in that video. Of course PETA isn’t going to show you anything but the worst. What PETA won’t show you as well, is the walk in freezer that they use to store the bodies of the thousands of animals that they kill every year, or their death van or the dumpsters full of trash bags with the bodies of dead dogs that THEY put there. PETA…. pfttt.


    Linda L

    This video was very disturbing but I got through most of it. I know these kinds of places exist but I can’t believe our government allows this. These places need to be shut down. I can’t believe the people that run these places. They are the really sick humans that enjoy this kind of thing. It’s so very sad to see animals treated like this and your right about people being made aware of this kind of treatment so more of us can get involved. How do I get involved with kind of thing.



    PETA defines EXTREME. PETA was also involved years ago with BURNING DOWN no-kill shelters and also breaking in to release animals as they felt they were, "better off DEAD" than in a no-kill shelter. I don’t know about THOSE shelters, but at MY NO-KILL shelter, the animals are released for a few HOURS of play at least 3 times a day. My RESCUED terrier, Jesse STILL LOVES TO GO BACK TO THE SHELTER TO VISIT. I lost all respect for Peta when they voiced their opinion on no-kill shelters. SHAME ON THEM. Very unfair to the GOOD ONES. PETA SUCKS. 🙂

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    i couldn’t watch it !!!!! it wont let me what did it have in it

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