My BABY Died Friday…I am DEVASTATED!!!!!

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    I am SO PROFOUNDLY SAD and can barely function. I lost my beloved BUTU Friday, March 23. He got hit by a car and IF only I hadn’t let him out, he would be here next to me. He was only 2 years and 4 months old, and he was the LOVE of MY LIFE. I can’t explain the WAY I loved him….it’s different than my Coco kitty that misses him too. I don’t live on a road, but the road is several hundred yards from my condo. It NEVER even occured to me that he would even go near the street. I am devastated and still in shock. My neighbor was helping me look for him that afternoon, as I was calling & calling to him from 5am in the morning until 4pm when we found out where he was. I believe he was TRYING to come to me, heard me calling and ran across that busy street. I walked right by where he was lying several times calling him, and didn’t even KNOW it, BUT it was a blessing that I didn’t find him, because I am sure I would’ve ended up in the hospital because I would’ve collapsed or even had a heart attack from the shock. My dear neighbors wrapped his little body in a blanket and took him to my Vet to have him cremated. I MISS HIM SO MUCH. My HEART just aches and I cry and cry and cry. He was SOOOO special and SO loving and gentle. He followed me everywhere…in the house, in the yard…and if I was going on a walk, I would have to put him inside, because he would follow me right onto the road. He was a free spirit and very curious, and perhaps that is what took him from me. I know I will NEVER get over losing my Baby. He was BEYOND SPECIAL. He was sent to me, as a blessing from God. I do NOT understand WHY he was taken away. I have had 6 siamese cats named BooBoo, and BUTU was named after my beloved BooBoo(as in Boo-2) as he died in Sept of 2005 of hepatitis. In November I got my beautiful Butu, and when this lady handed him to me, he was so relaxed lying in my arms, I fell deeply in love with this precious boy. This cat was FEARLESS…and would jump on my car to greet me when I drove in my carport. He was relentless when he wanted out, and I didn’t want him out, especially at night, but Thursday night, he was meowing SO loud and SO insistant, and I was so tired and had to get up early, so I let BOTH cats out. In the morning, Coco was sitting on her little blanket, but NO Butu, and I KNEW something was wrong.
    How do you get over the hurt in your heart, and go about your life?? I can barely eat or sleep, and I am NUMB….STILL in disbelief. I cry out to GOD….WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BABY????
    I just feel SICK, but I know my Coco NEEDS me, and when I’m crying/sobbing, she will come over and put her paw on me, so I KNOW she knows Butu is gone. He was her companion and friend too. I know she misses him and is always looking outside, like me, waiting for him to come running from across the way, jumping up on the rockery, or hearing his distinctive bell when he’s coming around the corner. I will tell you this though…My Butu knew ONLY LOVE. He brought to my life SO much joy and laughter. He will be in my heart, soul and thoughts till the day I die and I see him and my other precious kitties that have passed.
    Thanks to ALL who read this. It was lengthy.



    i am so sad to hear of your loss and i think it was a blessing that you didnt find him, it would have broken your heart even more. dont forget coco, she needs your cuddles even more now so be strong for her, talk to her about butu it will help the both of you. i lost my beloved cat 2 years ago and he was only a year and a half, he was found in a neighbours garden i still have no idea why or how he died and i still miss him so i can sympathise with how you are feeling, i know everyone will say that time heals and you probably think, yea right, but it is true, after a while you can begin to remember them without it hurting so much. i carry a picture of him in my purse so he is always near to me and i planted a bleeding heart bush over his grave. i now have a female who is coming up to the age my last cat was and it is a very worrying time, if she dosen’t come when i call her i make the rest of the family go out on a hunt…. she usually turns up and looks as if to say whats all the fuss about!! take one day at a time and the pain will ease.



    Munchie…..Thank you for your kind words. It is exactly one week since my baby went to Heaven. I have had a tough time, and Coco too. Today was the first day I was somewhat functional. I still cry, and Coco is very needy, always wanting my attention, so I really need to find a companion for her. Nothing could even come close or hold a candle to my Butu.
    I am so sorry about your kitty. You must’ve been devasted! Did you get another cat? Sometimes that does help take the pain away a bit. So I am looking for a kitty.
    I had the Aussie Pet Mobile come to my home today and give Coco a bath & spa treatment. She has never had a bath, and was SOOOOO well behaved. She is a sweetheart, and so gentle. I don’t have a tub….just a walk in shower, so I don’t know how I could give her a bath, but i wipe her fur down frequently.
    Thanks again for responding and taking the time to write.
    Take care~Lynda



    I lost my dearest little boy Leo ( a mini poodle) on thursday the 29th of march, he too was 2 years and 4 months old and was hit by a car…I saw your post after searching everywhere to find someone going through the saame thing…I realize you had a cat named BUTU but he sounds EXACTLY like my liitle boy LEO. I feel all your same feelings, please know you are in my thoughts and I pray EVERYDAY to get thru this. Leo and BUTU will play together in heaven and wait for us to join them again someday.



    I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you are feeling I had to have my 2 yr old kitty put to sleep today due to his bladder not working. Iam grieving for his loss. You have my deepest sympathies . I know how hard it is to loose a best friend for that is what my kitty Osiris was to me. I hope that in time that your deep heartache will lessen. My thoughts and heart go out to you.



    Dear friend, I am so with you. I lost my little yorkie dog Snoopy on March 24, he escaped from home, I was looking for him on my car, then walking just to find him in my neighbors?yard killed by his big dog. I read your words and your feelings are EXACTLY mines. I dont? know who to move on. People thinks ?it?s just a pet? but for us, I know they were family. Nothing has worked for me until now, just time and prayers. I went to a site were I could show his photo and they did a prayer (something they called Candelight Prayer), it makes me feel comfortable. My husband brought me a new yorkie, and now I have strange emotions about him, sometimes I like him, sometimes I dont, so difficult everything. Let me know how you are doing now? Do you feel any better? Are you planning on buying a new cat? Friend, sorry for our pets, hope they are in Rainbow Bridge playing together. Bye now… 🙁

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    I am so so to hear about what happened. I too about 2 years ago went through the same thing. Max always was home when I got home from work. We lived way out in the country. But he wasn’t and It wasn’t until the next day when we found him. And I too went right by where he laid several times. I know your pain. I am so sorry. I now have a new love and even though he will never replace him he does make it better. I rescued him. maybe there is a dog that needs to be rescued and that is why God took him. My prayers are with you.



    Thank You ALL for your heartfelt sympathy in regard to my beloved Siamese Butu.
    I want to tell you how sorry I am for your losses as well, and that this forum brings together people who have so much in common in that we LOVE our precious pets in life………and in death.
    I am still grieving, and I will NEVER get over this completely. He was just THE BEST CAT EVER!!!!
    I hope everyone finds comfort in the fact that our beloved pets have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and are running, jumping, batting butterflies and napping in the warm sun.
    This is a wonderful group and I feel fortunate to have found all of you, even under the untimely circumstances.
    God Bless ALL of you~L.P.
    (My Coco Kitty and Butu Baby)

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    Actually I got a dog. I sometimes can not get another pet of the same breed. I found a baby boy jack russell that was in need a good home. I figured saving him was a good thing. I haven’t had a cat since. i am not sure that I would of been ready for another one. I tried that after smokey died. I had him for 12 years when I replaced him with max and at first I will tell you it was really hard for me to get close and as soon as I did he was killed. Since cats are so independant I figured I needed a break from them. So I went to Toby. He is a hand full but he is more needy. And I really needed that. And he listens to me………………But you know what when the right animal for you comes along you will know it. and You have coco and you will get through it. It will be hard but time does heal all wounds. And yes I know it doesn’t feel like it now but it will get easier……. I promise. Just remeber all of the good times.

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