Antirobe Aquadrops

Home Community Cats Health Antirobe Aquadrops

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  James 17 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hello all. My Cat has a soft tissue infection in his gums from tarter build up which gives him horrible bad breath.

    What I would like to know is there anywhere I can purchase without a Rx Antirobe Aquadrops? He (my Cat) has been prescribed this before and my vet will not give me a re-fill (he is just being gready trying to get my $50 office call that I can’t afford) saying that he needs to see the cat again.

    If not is there another antibiotic that I can buy over the counter to give to him to take care of this?

    I want to take care of him but unfortunately can’t afford the office visit’s at this time.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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    I dont know if there is but you can look around online. Mabey you’ll find something there.



    Thanks but I have done some extensive looking. I thought maybe I could get them from Canada but didn’t have any luck there either…

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