my dog passed away getting his nails clipped.

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    Two days ago my dog passed away while getting his nails clipped. That was one of the things he did not like was getting his nail clipped. He was 7 years old. So I have been going to this place for years, they also have his medical records indicating he has asthma,and gets very nervous. while they were trimming my pekinese nails he was putting on a fight so it took two groomers to hold him. 10 minutes into the nails being clipped he started whizzing so they did not stop. once they finshed he started foaming the groomers just stared rubbing his head and stomach, and I told them if they could do anything else and they said no take him to the vet.
    They told me the vet was 2 minutes up the road. When I left he was throwing up and getting worse so I went back to the place and pleaded for help so finally one of the groomers took me to the vet. while I was crying and pleading I already knew in my heart my baby was gone. I ran inside with my lifeless dog running inside begging for help. The doctor said we can not do anything he is dead. I just wanted to die right there and then myself. I should have stayed in the park that day where he was enjoying himself running and playing.



    I am so sorry,what a awful thing to happen,I feel so bad i had to cry for you.In a time like this all we can do is say i’m sorry.I know it doesn’t bring your dog back.I have a 8 year dog and his nails are way to long.Your posting scared me,I’ll cut them myself.



    I am so sorry for your loss. There are drugs you can get from the vet to partially sedate the dog for grooming. There are the Bach Flower Remedies which help a lot. You can also get a dremel to use at home that actually files them down. You can help a dog like this by handling his feed often. If he sits with you while you are watching TV, just keep handling his feet.



    thank you dottie for your sympathy. We should be aware with groomers do you think they should have some kind of experience with CPR.



    What a terrible thing to happen! My little dog use to be terrified of getting her nails clipped too.We’d take her to the vet to get it done and she’d shake and wimper the whole time it was being done.Three years ago she had to be sedated for an operation and when the operation was over she couldn’t wake up from the anesthesia. A week later we had to have her put to sleep.You are definitely in my prayers.



    What a horrible thing to go through. I’m so sorry. I lost my cat just before Xmas & I know what you’re going through. I didn’t want Xmas anymore after that happened. It takes a while & I’m still sad & cry often but it will get better with time.



    I honestly believe there were signs to stop grooming in time to save your dog. I would consult with an attorney.



    Awe… *hugs* krisstal. I can’t imagine experiancing such a thing. I’ve lost pets before, but none at the hands of those who are there to help them. I agree with ELANABARON. The groomer should have stopped when your dog started weezing. I’ve always believed that a grooming facility should have the necessary staff, knowledge and equipment to handle a medical emergency. My heart goes out to you.



    Oh my gosh. I can’t imagine the pain you are experiencing. I am so very sorry.



    What a horrible thing to have happen to you and your dog. I can’t believe that people who were grooming him didn’t stop when he started wheezing. It seems to me any person with heart would have stopped. Those groomers shouldn’t be allowed to keep grooming or clipping nails. I’m sure they will get a very stern talking to by the owner or maybe even fired. They were negligent in the handling of your precious pet. And the fact that they didn’t take him to the vet right away when you didn’t even know where the vet was is awful. I am so sorry for you. I hope you find comfort somehow. God Bless.



    I am so, so sorry to hear about your loss. What touched me was your last line about wishing you had just stayed in thepark that day. I’m sure you must go over and over that in your mind, because I’m the same way. (Right now I’m feeling horribly guilty about crying while my sweet dog was put to sleep because I think my crying made him more uncomfortable, when all I was trying to do was comfort him. He wouldn’t even look at me, and I just wanted to gaze into his eyes.)

    I’m sure you must go over and over that in your mind wishing you had made a different choice that day, but trust that there’s no way you could have known or predicted what would have happened. Your little pet would not want you torturing yourself with "what if’s".



    that is absolutely horrible and i can’t imagine how you upset you must be. if you’re like me, that grief may turn to anger too because this sounds like a situation where the groomer was completely incompetent. i agree with elana… who if i remember correctly is actually an attorney. even though there may not be a specific law that was broken, it sounds like you could make a case for negligence. i’m so sorry though and i bet right now that’s probably the last thing on your mind. i just hope you go after these people so someone else doesn’t go through what you’re having to now.



    by the way, i’m not trying to be cruel, but in most states pets are considered "property". meaning that their life if lost by negligence is only worth as much as you paid for them or their fair "market" value at the time of the loss. sad but true! and something that needs to change in my opinion!



    First being a groomer isn’t being a vet (i’m a groomer) and if they encountered a problem they should have stopped ASAP. I don’t care how nervous or upset a dog is it shouldn’t take 10 mins to cut nails and if he was that bad they should have given him a break. It makes me so mad to hear that groomers arn’t taking proper precautions. I’m so sorry this happened to you but these groomers sound insensitive and very cold hearted and if i were you i would never go back or recommend them to anyone. I would kybosh that salon myself! If a dog is foaming at the mouth you don’t pat his head you rush him to vet, STUPID GROOMERS!!




    I think they should be sued. You don’t have to be a medical doctor to recognize a dog having an asthma attack, especially since they were warned. Just last week in the news there was a women who brought her dog home from the groomers, she went to wipe what she thought was mud off of it’s ear and the ear fell off! Apparently they had accidently cut the ear off and super glued it back on! She’s definately sueing them. I had to do my dogs own nails because she was the same way. All they have to do is nick the quick once and they’re scared forever to let anyone touch the feet. I tried the dremel, which turned out bad because it wrapped around the hair and pulled out a piece of fur which made her yelp, so now she doesn’t like buzzing sounds. I had to start giving her a little piece of treat after each toenail to keep her from running away as I clipped each nail. Now I can do them without too much trouble. I am sooo sorry for your loss.

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