"poor" people owning dogs

Home Community Dogs "poor" people owning dogs

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    what is not being said is that there are layers, upon layers to your question, and it’s not cut, clear, and dry either.

    Animals have been known to pick people with no money or very little means when "Abandonened, and at least the person has common sense enough to ask, What do I do, and then someone with means makes the thoughtless statement, "What are you doing with an animal, you have no business with one.

    What about a woman who might have a pet that just adopted her, but is going through a divorce and the husband is locking her out of the house, taking the money, and doing really stupid things.

    The unexpected happens. Not every need can be planned for financially, and
    to be honest with you

    We as humans are complex creatures, and it’s great, life is good if we can afford and finance for "emergencies, or the unexpected, but life even with our animal friends just doesn’t happen that way.

    At least even those with few means that post questions here at least have hearts big enough to ask, what do I do about a pet in need occassionally.

    just don’t brace yourself to judge harshly because noone really knows anyones true circumstances when posting questions on forums for help.

    Be compassionate, honest, even when it’s difficult.



    I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you.It sounds like your saying poor people should not own a dog..I got news for you most poor people love their dogs just as much as RICH people do maybe more..poor people may not be able to run their dog to a vet when they get a sniffle but poor people make do the best they can and their dogs know their loved. I’ve seen rich people who can afford vet care leave their dogs way away from the house tied up to a chain..they might get some attention when they get fed..maybe a little pat on the head because they dont’ want to get dirty..then there ARE some poor people would do the same but to catagorize poor people as not taking care of their animals like a rich person would is totally wrong. I’m not rich I have 7 dogs, 1 cat now, 2 horses and a parakeet….they all know how much I LOVE them, if they need to go to the vet I make do somehow if it means I go without something..I just lost my 16 yr old Tinkerbell on Christmas day..16 yrs old!!..I also lost my 14 yr old husky ( Due to seizure for 5 yrs which I bought Phenobarbital for) a year ago, I have a Beagle thats 16 yrs old with enlarged heart which I make sure he has his meds that cost $37 a month sure its hard on me but my dogs are happy and loved and thats all that counts..my other animals are ALL over 10 yrs old so I must be doing something right, my horses are 26 and 21 yrs old but they are family just like the dogs/cat and bird. I may not be RICH but I’m richer in love from my animals.



    suebee, I don’t know who you are addressing your ire to but you epitomize the whole point we were making. I am assuming by the tone of your post that you consider your self poor. However, you ARE taking care of your animals. You are providing them with the medical care they need. No – love & food are NOT enough & will never be. If an animal is sick or injured it DOES need medical care. In many states the law requires veterinary care when needed (not all). I had a dog brought to me one time by state police. The owner was a homeless man who was now in jail for 10 days. I kept the dog (& all his belongings) until the man came. The dog was not only UTD but on HW meds too. I told him he owed me nothing but he insisted on paying the dogs way. I had a lot of respect for that man as a dog owner.



    I did not wish to start arguments 🙂 I realize my post was very general but I’m really talking about myself and my situation, not saying that no "poor" people should own an animal. After reading all your posts and thinking about it I would say these situations should be judged on an individual basis. I just want to be the most responsible owner I can be. I miss my dog so much and want another to share my love and life with, I just want to do it at the proper time.



    Yes, all situations are different. Suebee, no one is insinuating that people with less money don’t love their dogs as much (and I also wouldn’t generalize and say financial status is a gauge of how much love someone give to a pet or anything, rich or poor). That isn’t the issue. The point I made was that love alone does not make other factors of owning a pet obsolete. The issue is that owning a pet costs money and there are a lot of people out there that don’t take those potential costs into consideration when deciding to get one.






    Ok here is some more thoughts on that subject. My dogs eat food from the feed store or grocery store. Joy, Alpo or Ol Roy from Wal Mart. I do not buy expensive food like Iams or Science Diet, the food I buy has given my dogs many many years of life. The cats eat 9 Lives or Friskies. As far as the animals go on health care, I am lower middle class not poverty but we do live payday to payday since my husband is on disability. So, you learn how to take care of minor illnesses or injuries yourself, not run to the vet everytime. I do agree something major or something that could turn into more should be handled by a vet or if its something I’m not familiar with. Alot of things can be handled by over the counter items, but again you have to know what your doing (like never giving Tylenol etc.)
    3 of the dogs that I have are strays that irresponsible pet owners neglected and came here that I chose to take in. Even bought the neighbor food for his.I think we can all agree, Rich or Poor people who love their animals have big hearts and will do anything for them, but unfortunately there are some that get them just for looks and could care less about them. My animals have been here with me to listen to me when I’m down, they lay with me if I’m sick, they love me unconditionally. I didn’t mean to offend anybody because if your on here, you must love animals too…My heart breaks for the dogs that are neglected, abused and alone. I can’t imagine my life without my babies to share it with.



    when you "chose" to take them in, did you call AC, PD, shelters etc to check for lost reports & give them found reports? Did you look for lost flyers & ads in the paper? Anyone can have an oops & a dog can escape under many unavoidable circumstances. Since you know you can’t afford more animals ( by your own accounting ) why did you keep them? You should read the new thread just posted about the bunny with an abcess that didn’t get vet care until weeks after it should have. The food you are feeding is some of the absolute worst availble on the planet. You may think they are doing fine on it but be assured they will pay ( & probably already are ) for your choices. Do you know all the problems caused by many of the ingredients in those foods?



    ok if the food I buy is soooo bad how come they are all geriatric….all over 10 yrs old and there is NO ONE that knows me would say my animals go hungry ever! The cat I just lost was 16. Beagle is 16. Husky is 15. Collie/chow is 12. Part Lab is 10 yrs old. Stray is 13 and yes I DO KNOW where she came from….this particular dog was hauled off by a neighbor and the guy who hauled her off came to my house bragging about it and I made him go back and get her..he stuck her in the trunk of a car and when he opened the trunk she jumped in my husbands arms, we had her spayed and shes still here. STRAY about 10 yrs old belonged to another neighbor, he came time and time again to take him home and he kept coming back so he GAVE him to me, he said the dog liked me better, just keep him. STRAY belonged to ANOTHER neighbor the one I bought food for he refused to go home, he’s still here so owner told us to keep him. Any other strays that come around I do check bulletin boards and even publish it in the newspaper. I have found homes for countless dogs/cats. I am friends with the Dog Pound officer in our County and when I have had to turn one in he would try to find them a home. The remaining cat I have is about 11 yrs old so you tell me how can fancy dog/cat food be so much better than what I feed? Dogs/Cats die from fancy food or grocery store food and can have the same problems no matter what you feed them.
    And just for the record……ALL of my animals are spayed and neutered.



    In all honesty, we all have something to offer our beloved pets, and in the best way we know how.

    That’s what truely makes us rich.

    being poor, just is an assignment to people without much money.

    So I think anyone who does their best and knows they are doing their best for an animal makes that person wealth.

    No explanation needed.



    EXACTLY!!!!!! How well you put it….my husband and I agree with you 110%….I couldn’t have said it better myself. That was my point too…



    yes haveing a certain amount of money would help. but welcome to the real world where not everyone has that amount. that does not mean they are not fit to own pets. it just means they have to work harder. a rich person can own a dog and not care about it at all like paris hilton she just uses those dogs for show. just cuz they are poor or middle class does not mean they still cannot provide care to the animal. i’m not rich my parents arent rich we are middle class and i own a dog 2 rats and a hamster. its just putting your prorities straight. whatever they need they get. i will go out and buy them something before i go out and buy myself something. so yes i think "poor" people should be able to own pets and proived the best care possible for them that they can.



    rat lover please becareful not to point fingers. You don’t walk in Paris Hilton’s shoes We don’t know what’s behind the glamour and glitz.

    BUt the main point is:
    God gave us all brains, and being poor is a label that doesn’t fit most good folks that have pets they care and cherish so much.

    We are all wealthy in what we come to offer when we are concerned about our pets and love them dearly.



    i didnt mean to point fingers..i am just saying rich people dont neccasrly deserve animals because they can afford the vet bills



    to do your best is fine as long as it meets the needs of the pet. If the pet has medical needs & you cannot or do not provide that – then no, it is not enough. To do your best but not be able to provide the glitz – then of course it is

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