Nose bleeds

Home Community Dogs Health Nose bleeds

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Melanie 17 years, 6 months ago.

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    Any good nose bleed cures out there? My boy is snotting specks of blood all over my house. Not a constant bleed, just on one side. Almost like dry sinuses, irritating him when he first wakes up from napping (all day!). This is my diabetic/cushing’s (whatever) boy Tazz (9 y/o shih tzu). When first diagnosed with diabetes I had taken him in with eye infection. Allergies they said. He was on atropine and triple antibiotic ointment. Anyway back for follow up visit he sneezed several times outside and then once sneezing blood on technician. Knew then it was from irritation. A week or so ago he started back with the eye irritation. I had been putting the atropine in for several days and it cleared up. Night before last started with blowing blood again. I figure he probably has a sinus infection and have given him some Tylenol sinus 1/2 tab which seems to help as well as some Nasarel corticosteriod spray for irritation. What a tolerant little man! I have tried putting cotton ball under lip and applying pressure x 5 min. which seems to help, just wondered if anyone had any other cures. I will take him to vet, has appointment next week. Just not bad enough to rush him in for emergency visit. (Not that I will wait for it to get bad either.) Just messy. Thanks guys.



    while there are different schools of thought on it, I would never take the chance of giving Tylenol to a dog. Your dog’s problem could easily be from running the heat in your house – can you use a humidifier, or a vaporizer with just water in it? Or if you have floor grates set a pot of water on or in front of them. He could also have a nasal tumor.



    Yeah I thought about the heat, but I definitely have not had it on lately. This is just the second time he’s had it and both times he has been on Atropine. Has been doing a lot of licking lately so I know there’s something going on. He goes to vet every week to every other week trying to regulate his insulin, which definitely brings to mind other issues… Pituitary or adenoid, and the list goes on. As I said he will be at vet Tues. morning. He’s not showing any emergent signs so I’ll try not to mess up thier holiday. Thanks.

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