Difficulty Regulating diabetes.

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Difficulty Regulating diabetes.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Monique 17 years, 3 months ago.

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    Any one ever tried any foods from "The Honest Kitchen". Having a hard time regulating my dogs insulin level. He’s getting Vetsulin. Vet wants to change to NPH when he’s "regulated". Told him I’m ready to swap now, espeically financially and if I have go through all this regulation again. He just went from 27 to 32 units a.m. and p.m. His BS had gone from nearly 400 and last month it was down to 165. Last week without reason it was back up to nearly 400. I’ve started him on chromium picolinate and changed him over to dehydrated chicken treats and some other 0 carb stuff instead of the biscuit he so loved. But I’m wondering about this food. Take a look
    http://www.thehonestkitchen.com/ or here are the ingredients. Dehydrated food.

    FORCE (21% protein – 14% fat) – Chicken, Flaxseed, Potatoes, Celery, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Zucchini, Green Beans, Apples, Honey, Alfalfa, Kelp,Yogurt, Bananas, Papayas, Basil and Rosemary.

    EMBARK 29% protein – 16% fat – Turkey, Flaxseed, Potatoes, Celery, Spinach, Carrots, Coconut, Apples, Kelp, Eggs, Sesame Seeds, Bananas, Cranberries, Rosemary.

    Come on Seniors give me your opinion. Thanks.



    Ask your veterinarian if he carries or can get a "prescription" diet for you. They make diets that can help manage diabetes, but as far as I know are only sold through veterinarians. Basically, it helps when the foods are using "low glycemic " carbs. Also, some these foods use chromium tripicolonate among other things.
    Certain viscous fiber sources also help regulate the glycemic and insulin response by delaying gastric emptying. Eykanuba Veterinary Diets – Optimum Weight Control is a good choice. They diet you present does not look to be using low glycemic carbs…good examples of which would be barley and sorhgum. Cheers!



    Have you thought of trying any of the Flint River Ranch foods? You can actually look up the health benefits of the foods on the website. Click below to visit and see if any of these will work for your dog.

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