Sneaky potty issue

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jill 17 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have had dogs all my life (I am 40) so I know the basic housebreaking rules and suggestions. I have rarely, if ever, had one of my dogs continue to go potty in the house just purely because he didn’t want to go outside. I have a 3 yr. old Shih Tzu that is housebroken and has been for a long time. (I can hear some of you saying "If he goes in the house at all, he isn’t housebroken" but he does it at least once a week) It is intentional because he has many times come in from being outside and ran into another room an pooped. He also will occasionally go into our spare bedroom and poop on the far side of the bed so it’s hidden. So, he clearly knows it’s wrong because he tries to hide where he does it. This is my only Shih Tzu and I have never had a problem training other dogs, so what is his problem? It is driving my husband and I crazy! Any suggestions? I have gone back to square one…….praising him for going outside, taken him outside in my fenced in yard on his leash and walking him around until he goes. It is so frustrating!



    Sounds like your doing a great job, but hes got a bit of a habit, the best thing to do for now is dont let him go to the places he tried to go toilet in, such as the spare bedroom.
    Also make sure you are cleaning it properly, as im sure you are aware they can smell much better than us so use cleaners designed to clean up after ‘animals mess’
    Hope this helps, if not repost and ill try a few other suggestions



    Yes, as you suggested, I have gated him off from the places that he usually tries to poop. Every once in a while I will forget to put the gate back up and every time, he goes right to it. I have stock in Simple Solution and a spray bottle in every room of the house. I aslo have a Bissell Spot cleaner that I use to clean up the mess with.

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