Home Community Dogs Health SEIZURES VS. SPASMS/CRAMPS

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Angela 17 years, 8 months ago.

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    Proud mother of 5 rotten dogs 3 shih tzu, 1 peke and 1 adopted mix "My trouble child" Tobi. He ate rat poison at about 8 mos, surviving multiple hemorrhaging episodes. Since then he has had what my vet called and at the time I could only describe as seizures. No Tx given, just watch unless I wanted to do EEGs, CTs, etc. These seem to occur more often in summer time over the past few years I have decided they are muscle cramps and wonder if this is due to a vitamin K deficiency. He will draw arms either flexed or extended, sometimes it is just back half sometimes just head. He is alert and will growl at other dogs when they get near during and episode. He is not really groggy afterwards just drunk, his head will bobble side to side until he gets his ground. Meanwhile he is happy and wagging his tail. Lately I have been stretching his body side to side and he seems to come out of the quicker. In the last couple weeks I have performed a muscle shortening action that I perform on myself. With thumb and forefinger of both hands I push the area that is cramping in towards each other signaling the mind that the muscle is shortened. For instance if you have a spasm in your calf, on each side of that cramped area if you push the muscle together it will stop. I guess my question is if this might be a deficiency and possbily I could just give him vitamin K. I recently (past month) spent nearly a grand on my 9 y/o shih tzu diagnosed with diabetes, insulin and all so the thought of incurring another bill is making me looney.

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    I know that you can get vitamin K from your vet. When I was in my early 20’s my bofriend’s dog got in to rat poisoning while she was nursing puppies. We couldn’t save her the vet said it was to late but the puppies were old enough to go ahead and ween. We took them all to the vet the same day and he put the pups on a half of a vitamin K pill per day (what a mess). The puppies turned out fine. So i would ask your vet it could help a lot it might require a blood test to determine if there is a lack of vitamin k, but for your baby it is worth the shot right.



    Thanks for your reply. I do have bottle of AquaMEPHYTON at home for them. I would definitely check with the vet first. I am/was a breeder and have been in the medical field for 23 years go I of course tend to be one of those self medicators when it comes to my babies. People who I have sold my pets to call me before the vet half of the time and the vet will tell them I’m correct. I actually recently took my shih tzu in for a recurrent eye infection and asked my vet to check for diabetes because he showed all of the symptoms, drinking a quart of water at each drinking and urinating just that much, lethargy, weight gain, etc.. He said his sugar was high but he thought due to stress from the eyes. Well a month later he was in diabetic ketoacidosis, almost comatose with an enlarged prostate and bladder, unable to eat with exessive vomiting. Diagnosis Diabetic ketoacidosis. I’am certainly not vet bashing because I love my vets they are the greatest. It’s just that sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. That mother’s instinct.



    Then I would say try it and pray it helps anything is worth a shot for your baby. Hey you might look at another forum topic and see if you can help it is the one on kennel cough I am sure your insite would be appreciated.

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