Bladder stone

Home Community Dogs Health Bladder stone

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 6 months ago.

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    My 6 year old mixed breed dog had an operation 2 weeks ago because of bladder stones. before we brought him to the vet, we noticed that he had a hard time urinating. after a day his urine had some blood. we immediately brought him to the vet after noticing the blood. he was operated on a monday and we were able to bring him home on a wed. he seemed fine when we brought him home. he was already urinating normally except for some blood in his urine. the doctor said it was normal because of the open wound. the vet did not close the operation because according to him some salt will need to get out of miko’s system. miko was on prescription diet since he got home and he was eating well. he was also on nephritic medicine. however, after a week of improved health, miko suddenly couldn’t urinate anymore. i called the vet and he said to observe miko for a day and if there is no improvement, i should bring him back to his clinic. we brought miko back the next day and a cateter was inserted in him. the vet extracted urine which was tea colored. he later told me that miko developed UTI which was a infection. i was worried if the infection was due to my negligence in any way. i was assured that i did not do anything wrong to cause the infection. miko has been confined in his clinic for several days now. i’m just very worried and sad for miko. i really hope that it is not kidney failure. the vet is giving him some antibiotics to hasten his recovery. i was told that today miko has improved. he is able to pee on his own but he still exerts effort to do so. if anyone has same experience with his pet, i would appreciate if you can tell me what i should do. i trust my vet but i would appreciate any input or advice. i hope miko will pull through. i really love him very much.



    Thank you Karen for your advice. I really have no idea regarding treatment of bladder stones. I will ask the vet if he has made any test on the stone found. I will immediately seek for a second opinion considering what you have told me about your own experience. I really appreciate your advice.



    I would personally get a second opinion. I had a dog who had stones removed last April. The would was closed after surgery and there have been no complications. He was sent home with antibiotics to ward off infection and we periodically check to make sure the stones are not reforming (he had a scan last week and was clear – he will be scanned yearly unless he starts to show signs again). Something about your description of care the dog is getting does not sit right with me and I would really consider a second opinion. My sister has a dog who had stones removed as well (she is a vet and this is her big show dog) and there was nothing like you described. The dog had the stones removed, was sewn back up, placed on antibiotics and went home. Also, did the vet do any testing to see what the stones were made of? Some can be treated with a special diet – what is being done with my sister’s dog. Mine had the type that are less effectively treated with diet. Good luck!



    Hi Yohan, Sorry to hear about Miko’s problem I can imagine how worried you must be, I hope that he is now recovering. Larm

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