chew toys

Home Community Rabbits chew toys

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hamed 17 years, 8 months ago.

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    I was wondering what types of wood are okay for a rabbit to chew. Like, I know apple twigs are good so are pear, blackberry, or cherry twigs okay too? I’m obviously not going to experiment! So what natural woods can they chew?



    Try going to this website, It look’s like it has lots of info on rabbit’s.



    If you go to a local pet shop they sell wood toys, like balls and batches of sticks, my rabbits love them and they have lots of fun with them too!! You can buy a pack with about 4 – 6 items in them for about ?5, and the will munch them away until there is nothing left!!

    Hope you rabbit has fun!!!



    Give him a tree log to stop his teeth from growing taller.. as far as i know .. apple tree logs are best!!

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