Having more than 2 dogs…

Home Community Dogs Having more than 2 dogs…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 3 months ago.

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    It is more going to depend on your other dogs and how they react – especially with senior dogs. If the other dog is happy and loves to play, it may be too much for your older dog to manage and you could have issues. I do not foster dogs with rescue right now due to one of my senior dogs, it is just too stressing for him and everytime a new dog would come in for whatever reason (I was a guiding eye volunteer for a bit as well), I could see too many adverse reactions starting in one of my seniors. He was a dog that loved to play and run, but his age was cathing up. Also, adding another dog can cause regressions in behaviors of your existing dogs and the dog that comes in (and these regressions may take weeks to show up). I would think long and hard abut doing this out of concern for your older dog – also an active younger dog could accidenttally hurt the senior during play. But it mainly depends on how your dogs would react to another dog being added and how well trained and socialized all the dogs are.



    Hi! ;D Right now I have 2 dogs. 1 toy poodle and 1 maltese poodle. I was actually wondering if it would work if I got a third dog, but the third dog was just a little bigger than the other 2. (Neither of my dogs are puppies and if I were to get a third dog it would NOT be a puppy.) I’m an avid pet lover, I have 4 pets (2 dogs, 1 turtle, and 1 hedgehog. My toy poodle loves my hedgehog!) and I am turning 17 soon and I actually wanted an older dog for my 17th b-day and I was wondering if 3 dogs is ok. The older of my 2 dogs is actually 10 and my younger dog is 6. I raised my younger dog since she was 6 months old (and the dog she grew up with was blind and the owners before us abused him, but they both loved each other dearly). If I were to get another dog I would actually adopt it from the Animal Defense League. I looked into the dog I want to adopt and apparently it LOVES to play with other dogs and hangs out with them. My youngest dog however is a spoiled brat and tries to get all of the attention to herself while the other dog just goes with the flow of things. BUT, my youngest dog will begin to love on the other dog after being given awhile with each other. I hope this all makes some sense. Sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. I tried my best to put my question from my head into words. 😉



    Just something you should think about before getting another dog… You are 17, what happens if you go away to college or get a job? Do your pets have a safe place to stay with your family? You should think longterm into your future before taking on another responsibility. 🙂

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