cat fleas

Home Community Cats Health cat fleas

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Angela 17 years, 7 months ago.

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    My cat JetPuffed has a major flea problem. She has thick, wooly fur that attracts fleas like a magnet. She wears a flea collar and is medicated with Frontline to kill the fleas, but she still has them. I even give her the occasional flea bath, which helps for a day or two. I was wondering if shaving her in the summer would keep her from getting fleas. She never gets them in the winter, only in the summer. But i didn’t know if shaving a cat was too traumatic or would mess them up so if you could post your opinion, experiences, etc. that would be great!



    You are using too many chemicals on her which could kill her. flea collars are useless so please get rid of that.

    You do understand the frontline MUST be administered to the SKIN? Are you absolutely sure it is reaching the skin? Also, there is a nation wide problem with FL this year & it not working.

    Please do not shave your cat. If needed get her groomed professionally. Is she a long or short haired cat?

    You must treat her enviorment – the house. Bomb thoroughly while the cat is at the groomer. I’m guessing she goes outside so you must also treat the yard. keeping her in would solve the problem, be much safer for her & assure her a longer healthier life.

    Do not use flea shampoo on an animal when treating with other flea chemicals. Any shampoo will do as it is the lather that suffocates the fleas.



    Thanks, i guess i could change flea medications. JP has very wooly, fluffy hair and i brush her everyday but she still has them. I’ve got to let her go play outside though, because when i don’t let her out she gets upset and cranky! My other 2 cats never get fleas and they have short hair so i thought that was a factor.



    I would think it was more because with the wooly thick hair the FL is not getting down to the skin, more than the hair attracting fleas. If you are using FL on the other two & it is working, then I’d stick to it.

    What type brush are you using? Is this a LH cat?



    I’m with suebgone…I think that you’re not getting the FL on the skin. Fleas will spread the chemicals to each other (when a flea bites a cat that is treated with frontline…or similar…they bring it back to their "headquarters" before they die, and ultimately kill all the other fleas as well). It’s possible that the fleas have laid eggs…in which case, you should really flea bomb your house.



    Long hair cats are harder to keep clean. Please don’t use a flea collar. They are not worth the money. Also, you probably need to get a household flea spray or bomb the house while you and kitties are away. And the yard- there are flea treatments for your lawn and gardens that you can get at home depot or lowes or prob even target or walmart. We had major infestation, and I have 1 long haired cat and 2 medium haired cats. Like the previous person said, make sure the chemicals reach the skin, and make sure the house and yard are flea free. Also, you’ll need to consider that if your cat goes outdoors, it may not stay in the yard, and other peoples yards are not usually treated unless they have similar pet issues.
    ……What color is your cat? White attracts more fleas, at least in my experience. Not an old wives tale. AND, if you are really gungho, there are natural, chemical free recipes to treat your cat and home for fleas. Look them up online through google searches. Good luck!



    I’ve found there is one good use for a flea collar– put it in your vacuum bag or canister. The close proximity can help finish off any fleas who survive being sucked up.

    One other thing on the Frontline– are you using the right dose? If it’s like Advantage, there are two sizes- one for cats up to 10 lbs. and one for >10 lbs.

    And yes to the other posters who pointed out that using more than one flea product at a time on your cat can be lethal!



    There is an animal safe product you can spread on you yard for fleas that really works. Our dogs have long hair and between that and the FL we have not had alot of flea probems. It is called Kill A Bug I think it is in a Red Black and Yellow package. I think you can get it at Lowes. It is little grainuals you just spread all over your yard in the spring and again in the fall. I do not like to do them but you could take the kitty to the vet for a flea dip to get rid of them. There are also sprays you can use in your house that are animal safe that may help. However make sure to keep using the Frontline my vet says it is the best out there. For a more natural aproach try putting cotton balls with eucalyptus oil on it around you house that will help alot fleas hate it.

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