Does Your Dog Watch TV?

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    Yes! I have 2 pugs, fawn colored named Wrinkles, and black named Sputters. They both watch TV. Wrinkles freaks out if people are walking towards or away on the screen. Sputters barks at all the animals, she actually will lay in her bed and watch TV. It is so funny.



    We share our home with a 3yr old Rottweiler called George and George watches TV most of the time. Tonight we hired the DVD boxed set Heroes series 2 and we are watching the shows back to back. Yes, George really gets excited watching wildlife programs when he watches other animals but he greats really, really excited when he see other dogs. Just now, he is sitting in the middle of our lounge watching Heroes series 2. My best friend can not get over this and has told me on numerous occasions that dogs don’t see the TV as we do but George is very intelligent. Our other dog Sophie is a 2yr old Cane Corso and I am pretty sure that she can not see any images, she has never to my knowledge ever looked towards the TV screen.
    If I turn the TV off, George will sit and turn his head toward me, if I turn it back on he will ignore me and watch TV. I watch his eyes as he scans the images and will move his head depending on the action. I have never shared a home with a dog who loves TV until now and he is our third Rottweiler over the last 13yrs.
    Does any one know of any studies that have been conducted on this subject?



    This post made me laugh out loud because my dog, my 15 week old pug, does in fact, without a doubt watch TV.
    Which show is her favorite?
    The Soporanos! LMAO!
    I swear to God. This dog loves The Sopranos. Not that she has much of a choice; we are Sopranos addicts in this house, but we will put it on, and her eyes are glued.
    It is so funny…..she loves it. What can I say…she has good taste. Sopranos was the best show EVER and should still be on….the finale. Uggg. Don’t even get me started.
    I had 2 persian cats (rest in peace, my furbabies). One of them, Lady Sara Genevieve, LOVED animal planet. She would sit in front of the TV, I would put on Animal Planet and she would stare at the TV the entire time Planets funniest Animals was on. She used to actually get up on her hind legs, put her paws on the TV stand and stare at the TV the entire episode. I have pictures of it. God I miss her.
    My other persian could have cared less about TV….but Sara my cat and Bella my baby pug, both loved (Sara) and love (Bella) TV.
    Bella the Soprano watching puppy.
    How funny.
    And for those who are fans out there, you will know that there was an episode in season one, titled "Isabella". This is her name, Bella for short. I wanted Meadow, but my daughter didn’t like it so we compromised.
    If she was a boy, she would have been Paulie for sure. LMAO….Paulie. God is he a riot.
    Hugs (and what a fun post, by the way)
    Denise and baby Bella, who will be 16 weeks tomorrow!



    my jack russel definitely knows an animal when he sees one.totally uninterested in people on the screen but recognises a dog or other animals right away..he loves the discovery channel when they air specials about wildlife.i’m thinking about taking out a subscription to tv guide in my dog’s name.(just kidding).however,i wish i could teach him to use the remote./



    I have two chihuahuas. One watches the tv, the other doesn’t. Angel loves to watch dogs and cats on tv and loves Animal Planet. I never realized just how much she paid attention to what she was seeing though until I was playing a photo slide show of our pet photos and she recognized a photo of Luna, our cat. She got all crazy and then ran and found Luna.
    Angel always wants to play with the dogs she sees on the tv. When they are running back and forth, Angel will try to follow them. If one runs off the screen, she will look all around the tv and behind the tv trying to find it. LOL



    out of mentioning,the last dog i had was named August.we’d play hide and seek.many times when i would hide in the bathroom behind the door,he’d spot me in the mirror and recognise me right away & of course would bark like crazy realising that he found me.there are several instances wherein he recognised my reflection as being me.August went to doggy heaven last year and i now have another dog(Patches) that plays hide and seek with me and he too recognises my reflection as being me.this proved to me that animals(dogs at least)do know what they’re seeing on fact when Patches sees my mom (to him she’s grandmother)via video recording’s i’ve made,he barks when he sees her,but also seems to realise that she’s not really present.

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    Rodeo only watches or looks at it if he hears a cow! lol! Maddie(who we just adopted from a rescue shelter a few months ago)is quite intrigued with the TV. The first time I turned it on after we got her she was just star struck. She will still watch some but mostly she watches if someones upset or crying or if there are animals on there.



    I’ve been following this discussion for a long time. But I haven’t seen one dog that watches tv like my Wolfie watches tv. The minute Wolfie wakes up in the morning and leaves his kennel crate, he immediatly sits down next to the blank tv screen. He then commences staring at me with those intense border collie eyes. He wont stop staring at me until sit down on the couch and start up the DVR and play his favorite episode of "The Planet’s Funniest Animals". The he begins to smile intensely at the antics. All the while, he continuosly glances back on me to make sure that I, too, am watching what he’s watching. If I’m reading or working on the PC, that is absolutely unacceptible for Wolfie, who will start to bark lightly and stare at me some more.( He’s doing this right now as I attempt to write this message) When his favorite scene is over he strares at me to replay it.I will replay it as often as 15 times per morning. This will not come as a complete surprise to anyone who personally knows a border collie.

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    My dogs are thier own people, my dogs CONSTANTLY!! watch t.v. one time me and my dad were watching a hunting show and my black lad who is a hunting dog was watching and they said find your bird! well that is one of sammy’s commands and she was looking all aroungd going crazy and she lookes at the t.v. where the birds were flying by and looked out side!! it was so funny but yes thier favorite show is spongebob!!



    MY rotty can see the tv and my spoodle = shitsu/poodle can’t at my vets theres these painting on the wall of dogs and my rotty will actually attack these dogs when we walk in because they startle her the little dog doesn’t see them so I asked the vet why this is the answer was this that my little dog is of average intelligence and can’t see 2d where as my rotty is of uper intellegence and can see 2d so my rotty can see the tv and she does react to dogs on tv even with the sound off but the little dog even with sound has no care of the tv at all so to me this explanation seems to ring true to me becuase of the 2 types of dogs that I have the rotty is very easy to teach and the little one not so easy so I know my rotty is way smarter then the little dog but not onlt that my rotty is the smartest dog I have ever raised im my opinion this is the truth and the answer is simply some dogs can and some dogs can’t



    Yes she really likes to watch a show. She definitely gets barking if she sees an animal.



    I have a pug and he definitely watches TV! It used to just be when there were other dogs or animals on TV – even if they were just cartoons he still would drop whatever he was doing and run straight to the TV to watch. Now however I can’t watch any of my favorite real life "crime mystery" shows because he will no joke bark at the "bad guy" EVERY single time that they are on TV! I always know who did it because Grimace is up there barking at them.
    I realize that they may not comprehend what they are "watching" but they are definitely watching! I wonder if High def/bigger screens has played any roll in this? It’s almost like a giant picture window to them!



    My dog tends to watch tv minutes at a time. It’s so weird! I feel like he responds to the TV more when there is a male talking (as opposed to a female, or other dogs barking, etc.)



    I have a 3yr old female Rottwieller. Since she was a pup she has been facinated by the TV or computer. She will watch a full program without losing attention. Two people talking she will move her attention to one person and back and forth like she really understands. She has her favorite shows/commericials. A commericial that she knows has dogs in it, she will run from the other room to watch it when she hears it come on the air. Everytime I play Youtube she is right up on my lap wanting to watch, licking thte monitor when she sees a dog. Sometimes to the point of whinning and trying to talk back to the picture. She is obsessed, I have never had a dog that is so into TV.

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    Yes he does and he really likes it. Favorite programm: Nascar series 🙂

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