Food Question

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Food Question

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Theresa 18 years, 2 months ago.

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    My puppy has stopped eating his dry food completely and I have to give him wet food to get him to eat. Is he just being picky or is he telling me something about the food or should I try another brand. I’ve been looking at Pro Plan, he’s a pit bull chow mix, a little over 6 months and he’s about 50 lbs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!! Thanks!



    Thanks! I’ve thought about making my own, but I don’t know yet, I’m going to look into some stuff today when I got ot eh pet store



    I went out and bought Nutro Max and he ate it all up!!



    Two sites you may want to look at are – Natura – which has a comparison wizard so you can put up to 4 brands side by side to compare. Also go to which lists all the ingredients & tells you why they are bad for your pets.

    Sorry but ProPlan & Eukanuba are both awful foods. They are full of corn, by-products, fillers, dyes presertatives & other things that are not good, & frequently cause allergies.

    If you really dig into what is in dog food you will find that even "rendered" products which include pets that have been euthanized are in many foods.



    I do not suggest "making" your own dog food. You run a high risk, even if getting recipes from the web of your dog NOT getting the correct amount of nutrients, vitamens and minerals. Any commercial PREMIUM dog food is a smart choice for your dog. By feeding canned food your on your way of ruining any chance of you dog eating a good dry food. Canned food is between 75 and 85 percent water. Very low protien and fat content. But it is like offering your child ice cream (canned food) or spinach (premium dry food). You may ruin any chance of your dog eating dry kibble. There are gravies offered now by dry dog food manufactorers to go over dry food but they have added vitamens and minerals. For allergies the most affordable foods are Pro Plans sensative skin and stomach formula. It is all fish with great omega 3 sources right from the food itself. Natural Choice is also proven to be wonderful. When avoiding allergy causing ingredients you want to avoid SOY, CORN, WHEAT, Chemical preservatives, and dyes. Dogs are color blind anyhow so dyes are for the owners benefit, not the dogs. Be sure meat is the first ingredient in the dry food. A dog being picky is normal. If you keep changing foods your dog will have you jumping through hoops soon! Again you take a big risk when home baking. You cannot test your home made food nor know if the vitamens and minerals are even getting there. Royal Canine is a great food for small breed dogs with tiny mouths. Good luck!

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