Kittens on the move…

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kichwa 21 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi Kitty Charles, Congrats to Miss Brandi on her new lovely litter!!!! Aren’t kittens just too funny and sooooooo soft to touch. I know the urge to "hold" them, but honestly, just some good tender touches while they are nursing mommy or while they are sleeping is really best. Particularly, if Miss Brandi shows signs of any stress by you holding her kittens. Some mommy’s don’t mind at all and then some do mind and will usually let you know it. About her moving them, oh wow, mama cats are notorious for this. I suppose it stems from nature; moving litter to protect them from predators and that sort of thing. I remember once I had one "barn kitty" who insisted on having her litters in my dog Roscoe’s dog house. I would move them out and before I would get them all moved; the mommy kitty would have them back in there. Roscoe was most accommodating and you would have thought "he" was the mommy. LOL You have to use your good judgment though, and not let her nest the babies in an area that would be dangerous to her and to the babies. Try to find her a really "quiet" snuggly place….as she may be moving them due to what she considers too much "traffic"??? hee hee Just give it your best shot. Enjoy those little fluffy bundles and give em a kiss and hug for me!!!!



    Well, my Brandi had her kittens, a litter of 6, and I need advice. The kittens are starting to get restless, and their momma wants to keep moving them around. She dosen’t like the spot we chose for her for very long, but she keeps picking really dangerous or impossible spots. I need to know if it’s a bad thing to keep moving the kittens back to their box, and is it okay to be holding them already? They’re 6 days old. Thanks for your attention, ~Kitty Charles

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