Why so many sugar glider breeders?

Home Community Small Pets Why so many sugar glider breeders?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Margarita 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    All there is on this page is people breeding sugar gliders and most dont have any responces, not only that but at you sure that the person they are going to will take good care of them? A few questions to try to put more people of breeding them, are all your sugar glidrs for sale actualy been sold? To who? Do you know anything about the people they go to? How much are they sold for? How much does a sugar gliger cost to look after properly? How often do they breed? What are the litter sizes? Do they get ill often? Do you make any sort of profit? Do you make enough to support the sugar gliders you own and their joeys? How much time does it take to care properly for them? Is it easy to get them to breed? Why do you do it? Please reply if you breed them or any other animal for that matter, just change the sugar glider to a dog, cat, rabbit, cavy, mouse, ect… After all how many of these animals end up dead, suffering and the lucky ones end up in shelters. Of course there are always caring people who are ready for what they are taking on, but they are few and far between.



    Advertisements are not allowed according to PPP Forum Rules. I would have thought this included ‘pet for sale’ adverts. No ?! I’m active on several pet forums, many of which are also flooded by identical Sugar Glider adverts, no sooner than they’re posted – they’re deleted, as ‘selling’ goes against many sites policies.



    "The Guys",
    Some of your questions are very valid! I have one pair of sugar gliders, MY PETS who I breed for fun, not for profit. No, I do not make a profit. I do it for my personal enjoyment. I research my homes to make sure they are going to be great. No, I would not just sell to anyone, because I want the best homes for my babies. Here are some answers to your questions:
    All the babies I have produced have been sold (I’ve only had 2 babies born so far anyway). I do not sell to homes I haven’t interviewed thoroughly, finding out if the owner is for real or not. I breed White Faced Blonde Hets which go for $175 and White Faced Blondes which go for between $400 and $500, depending on generation, etc. Food for 2 gliders costs about $20 a month, and the litter sizes are 1-2. 3 is possible but RARE, and 4 is "technically possible" but has never been seen to the best of my knowledge. My gliders have never been ill, a correct diet and good care is good preventative for illness. I make no profit, I do not intend to, but then again I have not "calculated" this, I just do it for a hobby. I am a 20 year old college student and yes I make enough to support my hobby and all my gliders (as well as my JRT puppy, and my horses.) Obviously you want to know, so I’ll tell you. I work a full time job and make about $500 a week to support myself. My parents also support all of my hobbies, so I have backing 24/7 when I need it. (CONTINUED.. on next page!)



    To just feed and clean up it takes about 20 minutes to care for them each night. My gliders get a few hours out of their cage every day which does not include taking them to class, the mall, restaurants (in a pouch or in the bra.) Some gliders never breed, some are very prolific. My gliders have produced one litter and now have 2 more in the pouch, right after I weaned this last litter I saw the two new lumps in her pouch. Gliders mate for life, and should never be seperated for their mental health. They can get depressed easily, and bond closely to their mates. I breed because I enjoy it, it’s a hobby of mine (I also breed horses.) I enjoy raising the babies, and finding good homes for them. And if I couldn’t find a home for one, I would keep him/her without question!

    Any more questions? Fire away! Or feel free to e-mail me or AIM me. My screen name is JBRU2985 and my e-mail is jessica_bruen@yahoo.com



    Thankyou for that information. I am glad to hear that there are some responsible breeders out there. With what you have said to me you have to agree that selling them over the net is not a good thing to do. I wish you and your pets are happy and well, and good luck in your studies and in the future. Im glad that you replyed to my post and thanks again.



    whats a sugar glider?( sry) just wondering.



    I know i dont see the point in animal breeders sometines b/c there are alread millions of unwanted pets out there looking for a home who now have to compete with younger animals and for those breeders who dont give their fur babies to the right homes they end up in animal shelters and some evn end up being put down which horrifies me



    Legitimate and licensed breeders discourage "back yard breeding". That’s when any old Joe can take a boy and girl glider and make babies. Yes anyone can do that. Many times those gliders are inbred. By being legit and licensed, sometimes you can get the people who would buy from byb to buy from you instead. In the long run, hopefully diminishing the number of byb.
    Hope I helped.

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