Help identifying a breed or mix

Home Community Rabbits Help identifying a breed or mix

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Vanessa 17 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hello all! ;D I have raised rabbits for fun and pets for about 8 years and had all sorts of colors and sizes. I recently was given a 1 year old doe and her 7 adorable bunnies (they were a suprise that just came with her unexpectedly!) but I would like to know what breed or possible mix she is, any suggestions would help. She is solid black about 8 lbs and medium length hair with HUGE floppy ears. Very sweet natured and quiet and one of the best mothers I’ve ever seen-especially for her 1st litter. I thought she was a holland lop but she’s definately not a small breed. I don’t have any experience with lops of any kind so I am at a loss as to what to look for regarding her breed. I thought I would breed her to my male mini rex who’s white with black spots everywhere but she’s about 2ce his size so I guess I wont! Thanks~Beth



    She sounds like a lop-french that is a solid color.



    GOD NO! DON’T breed your mini rex to a lop! It’ll ruin the mini rex! It sounds like you may have either a Mini Lop which is a pound or two heavier than a holland lop..or a French Lop…PLEASE DO NOT CROSSBREED HER WITH A MINI REX! I WAS GOING TO BUT WAS TOLD NOT TO BECAUSE THEY WON’T SELL WELL!



    Sounds like a holland lop. Although I’ve not seen a black one, I’m sure they come in that color variety.



    It is really sad to breed animals just for the money, I think everyone who breeds an animal should volunteer at an animal organization that has to destroy all the unwanted animal. When I was in High school I bred rabbits, but after having to work at the Humane society I would never concider breeding any thype of aniaml for the money. Can you even vouch for where all you babies end up? How many of the people you give/sold them to still even have them???

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