going in the house – all the time

Home Community Senior Dogs going in the house – all the time

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  raven 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    we recently inherited a 13-yo shih tzu from my mother-in- law who passed. there are multiple other pets in the house who randomly have accidents but he ALWAYS pees and poops inside, and I know it’s him bc the other dogs are much larger.
    February/ March – MIL and dog moved in, he didn’t go to the bathroom inside, other pets in house: 7 yo lab, 7 yo golden, 1 yo boxer mix, 8 month old cat
    my mother- in- law stayed with us until early June when she went into the hospital, I don’t remember him having any elimination problems during the time she was with us.
    she passed at the end of June in our home, her dog slept with her all night. ever since then he has been eliminating inside, not 100% of the time but about 90%. at night and during the day. he knows how to let us know he wants to go out ( scratching the door) but won’t. when I let him out he won’t even go off the porch before scratching to be let in – and then will immediately go to the bathroom in the dining room. If he sleeps outside of our bedroom ( which he does refuse to come in) I wake up to #2 in the dining room, when I try to let him out he’ll just stare at me and refuse to go.
    my house literally smells all the time no matter how much I steam clean it and it’s getting on my nerves.
    I realize he’s old but the fact he didn’t do this until after her death tells me it has something to do with it ( and it’s not like he doesn’t know my fiancee, he lived with him for 10 years of his life)
    any help would be appreciated

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