Trailer Loading Inconsistencies

Home Community Horses & Riding Trailer Loading Inconsistencies

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Tonya 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #475863


    Hello Pet People’s Place!
    I have a horse question that isn’t quite like most horse questions on this topic…. trailer loading.
    When I bought my horse, he had loading issues. But through natural horsemanship techniques, he now walks on by himself. WELL, MOST OF THE TIME. And here comes my question….
    Why under the same exact circumstances will my horse load and unload like a dream and other times, it takes an HOUR to get him on the same exact trailer that he walked onto without hesitation only a few hours before?
    Is he just being a "jerk" like my riding friends tell me.
    It is so frustrating that it’s all I can do to maintain my anger with him.
    What is going on in his brain and why does he do this sometimes?
    I want to understand so maybe I can help prevent it or at least understand why he acts this way.
    Thanks so much and I hope you can help me and my horse cause I don’t know where to turn at this point.

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