Dog behavior question

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    I have a five year old yorkie who has started lifting her leg while she pees and pretend marking. We have had a male Akita since before we got her so I am sure she has learned it from him. However, she had not always done this. And by pretend marking I mean she lifts her leg around the yard after she has already peed but she isn’t actually peeing. We are getting a female mandated that will be trained to show and a service dog so the new puppy can not pick up this habit. I am curious as to why my yorkie has started doing this and if there is a way to untrained it?? And how to prevent the new puppy from doing this??



    You’re right, she is imitating the male and may be doing it if she noticed that you praised the male for lifting his leg outside.
    Dogs typically fake urinating outdoors to fool us. They don’t want to be outside but know they can’t come in until they pee so they pretend to do it so they can get back inside.
    She isn’t doing that, she’s not running back to the house after her dry leg lift so I am guessing that she either thinks she is pleasing you by lifting her leg or thinks she is showing the male who’s boss but hasn’t figured out that in order to mark she needs to squirt pee.
    To keep the new dogs from marking or fake marking simply correct them with a sharp "NO" every time they assume the position.
    If they keep at it, squirt them with water while giving them the sharp "NO."
    Obviously they need to be supervised at all times so you can catch them in the act.
    Since they are new to the house and at least one of them is a puppy I would tether the new dogs to a reliable human at first, until they prove they are trustworthy.
    This will make it easy to catch their misdeeds and help you nip any marking tendencies in the bud.



    Sorry, I didn’t give you a complete answer.
    To stop the Yorkie from dry leg lifting, do the same as to the new dogs.
    She lifts, she gets a sharp "NO."
    She repeats, you repeat.
    If it persists, squirt with the water bottle with the "NO" and she should get the idea that this is not the thing to do.



    penquinsfan thank you for explain.



    You’re welcome.
    In a lot of cases these things are wars of attrition. You have to outlast the dogs.
    If they misbehave 1,000 times, they are punished/corrected 1,000 times.
    Give up, and you’re back to where you started.

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