cat urinating in bedroom

Home Community Cat Behavior cat urinating in bedroom

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi i have a female domestic short haired cat . she is about ten years old. we also have a two year old neutered male cat who annoys her sometimes . over the years she has used a cat flap to go outside to go to the toilet . however last winter it was particularly cold and she went into my daughters bedroom where she urinated and passed bowel movements on the floor and on her bed . at first when i caught her i put her outside . she continued with this so i placed a litter tray in the kitchen. she wouldnt use it and continued to try to sneak into the bedroom. this behavior stopped during this summer . but recently she went into my daughter bedroom and urinated on her bed .
    the reason that i mentioned the other cat is that when i put her outside i think he annoys her .
    i dont think that there is anything physically wrong with her but i am going to bring her for a check up next week anyway.
    please help as i dont want another winter of discontent in my home.



    Have you had her checked out yet? I’ve heard that UTIs can be the culprit in situations like this. I also know that once a kitty urinates somewhere, unless the smell is completely, utterly GONE, they will continue to use the room or area as a potty place. Cats can be very averse to strong citrus scents, especially pine sol, so I might try to thoroughly clean the area with some type of enzymatic cleaner, and maybe top it off with something strong/smelling of citrus. Pet stores may also have products that can help. Avoid cleaners with ammonia, as those can encourage cats to urinate in strange places…it’s a smell easily confused with cat urine. I found this out the hard way when my discontent cat urinated on my stove top. So disgusting and weird. Good luck <3



    brought her to the vet yesterday . he checked her out and found that she has artritus in her back legs . he thinks that in the winter the pain gets worse so she doesent want to go outside. so instead she goes into the bedroom to go to the toilet.
    he gave her anti inflamitarys and he is hoping that this will help the pain and encourage her to go outside .
    i am not convinced and i am now seriously considering getting her put to sleep . this may sound harsh but i cant stand another winter of watching her every move to make sure that she doesent go into the kids bedrooms to do her business.
    i have had to use industrial cleaner to scrub areas as the smell was so bad .
    feel crap about the whole thing .



    Perhaps you could try a litter box that’s easy to climb into. I’m sorry about all of that.

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