Why did my dog suddenly die?

Home Community Pet Loss Support Why did my dog suddenly die?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel 14 years ago.

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    My four year old male Shetland Sheepdog suddenly died two days ago. He was happy and healthy all of his life. He was extremely fearful during bad weather. We went out for dinner, he was fine. While we were out, a terrible wind storm was wreaking havoc in our neighborhood; many branches and trees down and a power outage. When we came home, approximately two hours later, we found him dead, looking like he was sound asleep in his usual favorite spot under the kitchen table. Could his terror from the storm have killed him?



    I’m not sure at all, but my heart’s going out to you. I’ve met so many dogs who were anxious in bad weather. I suggest you contact a veterinarian and research this for some peace of mind. Good luck, and so sorry for your loss.

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