older cat pooing and weeing in bedroom

Home Community Cat Behavior older cat pooing and weeing in bedroom

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Linda 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    HI i have a cat . She is about ten years old . Up to now she has been great . She goes to the toilet outside and she has never used a litter tray as she always had access to the garden .
    This winter we have had the amount of snow that we havent experienced in thirty years . I tell you this because its the only thing thats different .
    Since the cold weather began i found that the cat had urinated in my daughters bedroom.
    The smell was disgusting . But i put it down too an accident .
    Since then i have caught the cat both urinating and pooing in the same place . I am very angry i am putting the cat outside and she is sleeping in the shed . But today i let her inside just to eat her food and as soon as i turned my back she went in and pooed in the girls room.
    I put a litter tray out for her but she wont go near it .
    I dont want her in the house if she does ths as the smell is disgusting .
    I feel a bit guilty putting her out in the cold . Any ideas?



    Try to keep girls’ room closed so the cat won’t be able to get in so easily. However whats more important is that your cat has never been box trained and she’s not the youngest any more either. Be consistent, when you see her behaving oddly put her immediately to the box, if she’s jumping out, put her back in. Let her go if she jumps out the second time. If she pees and poos on the floor again, scold her, you may even try to pull her head towards her mess and make sure she knows you don’t approve. However you must do it immediatelly after she peed, otherwise she won’t understand why are you angry with her (as far cats are concerned their messes disapear after a minute they are away from it). Straight afterwords put her to the box but let her jump out. Soon she should understand what you want her to do.
    I honestly hope this helps you and good luck!

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