Re:Kitten Bathroom Problem!

Home Community Cat Behavior Kitten Bathroom Problem! Re:Kitten Bathroom Problem!



Perhaps she want’s to hide? Is it possible to put her box in a covered area where she can feel like she’s being sneaky? 😉 Also, cat’s don’t like their bathroom to be too close to where their food is. Perhaps put her food there after it’s cleaned up. She might get the hint that it’s not a bathroom area (but if you’re not lucky she might look for another out of the way corner…). Also they can be very picky about their bathrooms (and about their general environment as well), if the box isn’t kept clean they don’t want to go in – some more so than others. You might try limiting her to a room for a while where she might be more inclined to keep it in one spot (perhaps keep her in your bathroom for a while), because she couldn’t just run away from it into another nice clean room (might make your clean up a bit easier too). Have you had other cats that might have sprayed or peed there? Maybe there’s a smell she recognizes that you can’t smell, and she doesn’t understand why it’s not ok for her to pee or poop there too. You could try putting something there to mask the smell she might be picking up. A pet deoderizer or something? Perhaps something with a smell she doesn’t like. If that’s the only area she does it in, that could be why. Kittens can be so stubborn! My little Zoe is about 3 months old, and every time I give her heck for going behind the T.V to play with the wires, she just runs right back as soon as I put her down (is it spite?), I feel laughed at! I’m going to have to block the area somehow so she just can’t get in. Maybe that would work for you? Encourage her when she get’s it right. When you catch her doing what she’s supposed to do, give her praise, perhaps reward her with a treat for it now and then – to make sure she has a possitive association with it.