FAQ: Breeding Pet Rats
Before breeding any pet, you should research how to best care for the animal during and after pregnancy and how to assist raising her young. Here are some frequently asked questions about breeding rats.
Read moreBefore breeding any pet, you should research how to best care for the animal during and after pregnancy and how to assist raising her young. Here are some frequently asked questions about breeding rats.
Read moreIn contrast to mice, there are only a few varieties of rats. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you keep your rats happy and healthy.
Read moreRats, like humans, are omnivores. They eat vegetables and meats. Their diets should not be high in fat, sugar or sodium. You have many different choices when it comes to feeding your rats. You can feed them a rodent block food, a seed mix, a mix of your own or prepare a diet just for your rats. I use a combination of rodent block, a mix and fresh foods.
Read moreYour rats need time out of their cage every day to play. We let ours out to run around on their play table, the computer table, on the covered couch or bed, and some of them get to run around on the floor.
Read moreFew people know that rats make fantastic pets – most just shudder at the thought of it. However, the rat’s disciples are increasing in number, and for several good reasons.
Read moreThe first, most obvious, decision to make once you have decided to get rats is where they will live. You can keep them in a wire cage or tank, make a home yourself or let them have the run of the house or of a room. The main things to consider when making this decision are your rat’s comfort, safety and what you are willing to clean. Whichever home you choose, be sure to clean it often – before it smells – and use a safe cleaner. Rinse thoroughly after washing, disinfect, rinsing thoroughly again and dry.
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