Raisins and Dogs=Poison

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding Raisins and Dogs=Poison

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Sher 15 years, 7 months ago.

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    If you haven’t heard already from your veterinarian, grapes and raisins are a major health risk to your dog, and canines in general, like cats & ferrets. Check out the link below, plus there is a lot more info on the internet about this subject. Please spread the word and inform any friends who have canines about this to prevent any unfortunate events.



    I have also read that onions, and of course the real dark chocolate is bad for dogs….
    My sisters Black Lab got ahold of an entire bag of hersheys kisses, ate the bag and all…he never got sick at all…. She called the Vet, and was told it is the real chocolate like bakers chocolate, the dark biter chocolate that is harmful… the milk chocolate has a lot of other ingreids., and is not as concentrated with cocoa as the biter dark chocolate… Then a few days ago, while at work, my sisters Lab again got into some candy.. he ate 5 rolls of rollo candy, paper and all… he never got sick….She has been very lucky so far
    Of course we all know that house plants are poisonous to our dogs…. and a lot of dogs like to eat grass, and plants.. so I never have house plants where my Lab can reach them.

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