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  • #445936


    It’s hard to know when to let go. I had to euthanize my 11 year old cat yesterday. Her blood sugar was elevated, then came down with special food, but she refused to eat the special food after a few days. The vet also said her urinalysis as tested by the strip was abnormal and she might have kidney disease. He gave her sub-cutaneous fluid which not only didn’t help, but made her worse. She was not a very active cat when healthy, but had become listless. I felt that her quality of life was no longer what it should be and that there was no hope for improvement so I made the decision the day before Christmas to euthanize her. I took her in yesterday morning and discussed this with the vet. He concurred and euthanized her.
    Eleven years ago I postponed far too long euthanizing a cat I had had for some years and have always regretted it since then. She was in agony when I finally had it done. I did not want to do that to another cat.
    I wish the best for you and your cat. I hope my information has been helpful to you.



    My small tree (about 8 inches) that sits on top of the small bookcase has worked fine. Minke knocked it over once, but Schneeball, who plays with everything, hasn’t bothered it and the two oldest ones ignore it completely.



    I quit having a Christmas tree years ago because of my cats. It’s a magnet for cats. They like to climb on them (and knock them over) and, oh, those balls are so much fun! It might be OK to have one if you have a room you can close up to keep the cats out of there, but then you wouldn’t enjoy it as much.
    Last year I got a very small artificial tree that sat on the top of a small bookcase. I will try it this year, but now I have a young cat 15 months old who plays with everything. I suspect he will play with this too.
    It’s OK; the cats are more important than a Christmas tree.



    Please check with the animal shelter where your mother lives. They should be able to find someone to help her care for the cats and help find homes for them too. I wish you success in finding help for your mother and the cats.



    Hi, Bearpapa! Merhaba (hello) from Turkey where I am temporarily. As a cat lover, thank you for caring enough to have the animal shelter come and pick up the kittens. The best way to get over missing these kittens is to take yourself to the animal shelter and adopt a nice kitten if you are able to have one.Cats make great companions – I have 4 and two are rescues; one is from an animal shelter and the other is from a farm. If not, maybe you could volunteer some at the shelter; they are always looking for volunteers. Otherwise, please be content to know that you saved 7 kittens from death by starvation or getting hit by a car or being attacked by an animal bigger and meaner than they were. Again, thank you very much for helping these kittens survive and get good homes. Linda presently in Turkey for 2 more months



    Your posting clearly implied that you could not afford vet evaluation for your cat and appeared to be seeking poential answers as to what was causing her problems and what to do about it. When we responded, you rejected our suggestions out of hand. If you don’t want our opinions, then why submit the information in your original posting? You never said until this last posting that you spent $124 to have the vet see her. You are obviously distraught, but you shouldn’t be angry when you failed to provide more comprehensive information initially. I hope your cat gets better.



    It’s the way he charges at the matador. Does he charge boldly or is he timid or reticent about charging? This is determined by the judge and the crowd also lets him know their opinion.



    Wolfwitch, occasionally the bull does win and is spared by the judge if he exhibits an exceptionallyl brave performance.

    Rottie, Spain and Portugal have bullfighting and are NOT third world contries. They both belong to the EU and are in the Euro zone. It is a cultural difference which many Americans ignore since they think the American perspective is the only correct one. I was born in Dallas, TX and come from an immigrant family and have lived in 4 countries on 3 continents so I have a different perspective.



    I agree with Suebgone. If there is no way you can have the vet examine and treat your cat, then you must euthanize her. I know how difficult this is as I have lost cats myself, but how can you continue to watch your cat suffer? PLEASE AT LEAST CALL AND TALK TO YOUR VET ON THE PHONE TO SEE WHAT CAN BE WORKED OUT.



    I can empathize with your financial problems as I have been in that situation before myself, but you really need to have the vet see her to see what is causing her problems. I would suggest that you talk to the vet to see about making payments on the bill rather than having to pay it all at once. It could be any number of things. Have you tried giving her hairball medicine? Please keep us posted on what happens.



    Hi, Wolfwitch. I haven’t been on the internet much lately since I’m working on a project that must be completed by 25 Mar so I am late in responding.
    The rider on horseback who spears the bull with a long spear is called the rejoneador. The little spears are called pics in Spanish and the men who place them are called picadores. They are put in the bull to wound him which makes him angry and he charges the matador with forcefullness. This gives the matador more opportunity to demonstrate his courage in caping the bull. In addition, the bull, of course, loses blood which weakens him and makes it easier for the matador to lean over the horns and kill the bull by placing the sword in his neck. This kills the bull instantly if done correctly. The crowd responds by shouting, "Ole, Ole" or "Bravo." If the matador has done well, he is awarded an ear; he gets 2 ears for doing very well and for an exceptional performance the matador gets 2 ears and the tail. The matador’s fancy suit is called the "trajes de luces," suit of lights. In Portuguese style bullfighting, the matador is mounted on horseback. have never seen one of these. I no longer live in Mexico, but lived there a total of 10 years. I am presently living in Turkey temporarily, but will be moving to Germany or Poland in 2 months. I am retired and can move as I wish (and when I can save enough money to do so of course).



    Cute Birdz, you probably don’t have these up there in the cold north, but my parents both grew up on farms in Texas and I grew up also in Texas, but in the city. Cotton is a plant and does not come from animal products. It is labor-intensive; after you plant it and it starts growing, you have to chop the weeds from around the cotton plants. In the old days before mechanization when the cotton is ready, then the cotton balls were picked by hand. It is hard, backbreaking work, done in the hot sun in Texas and down South where it’s grown. Now they have machines to pick the cotton, but they leave some on the plant and do not pick them clean like people did when they picked by hand. I just wanted to clarify this since you apparently thought cotton came from animals of some sort.



    Setting a bull’s horns on fire is NOT part of the bullfights.



    Setting a bull’s horns on fire is NOT part of the bullfights.



    I smoke. My 3 original cats that I got as kittens are used to it and don’t mind, as long as I don’t blow smoke in their faces. My Turkish rescue cat who was a year old or more when I found him starving to death in front of a store doesn’t like it and won’t sit on the sofa with me when I am smoking. Sonja, now almost 7 years old, sits in my lap when I am smoking. None of my cats are sick.

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