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    Definately. If the cat thinks the kids are crying for his attention. Does the cat try to do other things before jumping on them, like making strange noises, or pacing in front of them? If so I would say definatly. If you are not planning on breeding him, have him neutered, you can also concider having him declawed, as long as he will stay inside. When he jumps on them you need to "scruff" him, grab him by the back of the neck and then slowly release him. You children will have less scratches from him trying to cling to them and you will be showing you are dominate over him. My cat use to do the same thing before I got him neutered. If you do neuter him remember that testosterone can stay in the system for a while, so it may take a few months for him to stop compleatly. Good luck.



    Hi, the hardest thing to do is to get over the passing of one you love. The first thing you have to remember is that the new kitties are not your old kitty. They will form bonds with you, but not the same bond. Try new things with these kitties. My cats love the feather toys on a stick. We play for hours with them. Any toys you can find that you play with them will help inforce a bond. My kitty that passed use to love to play with string. When I was doing house work I would tie a string to the back of my jeans so it followed about two feet behind me. She loved it. I got work done, had fun, and she got lots of exercise. Hope this helps a little.



    Ok, first, Kona doesn’t care how much the bed cost. As long as the old bed is not falling apart, or unbearable for you, I think she would be happy with it. Why don’t you try bringing it back down for one day, leave it next to the new one and see which see chooses. You can try laying a thin sheet over her old bed, if she will sleep in it, then after a few days take the old bed back up and put the sheet over the new bed. Then her new bed will smell like her old bed, and in a few days she will know it is hers and you can take the sheet away.



    If the vet says her urine is fine, you can try crating her. It is possible she just has not figured the litter box out yet. You can put her in a cage with a small litter box, food and water and a towel. Leave her in for about 2 days. As long a she is using the litter box after that, you can just open the door and let her come and go, but leave the cage with the litter there so she knows where it is. If you can get cat litter that is more like sand, she may be more inclined to use it. Then you can slowly mix it with what ever litter you want her to stay on. Good luck!



    I would get a second opinion. I know a wonderfull vet that moved out to Minnesota, her name is Dr. Rachel Stephensen. You can go to any vet you would like, but I wouldn’t rely on just one opinion when you are facing such hard decisions. If you can get copies of the blood work, X-ray, ect. it will help. For a cat to only be 5 years old and needing a feeding tube with no huge bloodwork issues, I think I would just get a quick second opinion from another qualified veterinarian. Best of luck, you should have the opening where the tube was at, checked, you can get a serious infection if not carefull. God bless



    Thankfully my cat is an angel. LOL, I sit on the floor with him between my legs, I hold a toilet paper roll over his nose and mouth squeeze the inhaler into the other end and cover it with my hand as quick as I can. When I start to feel a little suction on my hand I let up. I know he probably doesn’t get much, but it seems to help him and he shouldn’t need as much as a human any way. You can get Areocat’s they are designed to fit over the face of a cat, but they are to expensive for me right now.



    I would recomend having it x-rayed to check. It could be alot of different things. Has she always done it? If so it could still be healing or she is worried touching it may cause it to hurt again. If she just started doing it she may have agrivated an old injury like a sprain or a mild fracture.



    I would have at least one of them retested for FIV. Are they male if so then definatly retest one. If it comes back negative you should retest it again in 6 months. FIV takes 6 months for the antigens to show up in the blood stream and this is what the test looks for in the blood.



    I think basic testing should be done before. Simple things are they ok with another dog, are they ok with you as a stranger, and just basicly how they hold themselves. Then other testing can be done later. Any thing that will be essential to adopting it out should be done asap. Other less important things can be done in secure environments so the dog will feel more comfortable about breaking the bad habbits. I don’t agree with euthenising an animal over food issues. You can always feed a dog timed feedings in his or her crate where to accidents can happen.



    I don’t think I would. Cats are suppose to eat meat, thats how they where made. You have to be carefull because their kidneys and digestive systems are not as skillfull as most animals. They are made to digest meat and not soy products and other things. They have shorter intestines and just do not handle "fake" foods very well. Sorry, but she really can’t change how they where designed.



    This sounds so much like my cat! I have a cat. He started wheezing. X-rays showed mildly enlarged heart. We did an ultrasound and I would recomend you do too. It came back either heart failure or asthma. We started him on enacard, lasix and prednasone. I also started using my albuterol inhaler on him, it helped a ton! Now we know it is asthma. He is on prednasone as needed and off the other two meds, he gets the inhaler when he gets really bad, but most of the time he is fine to go with out it. If his kidney function is normal I lean more towards asthma, if it is not then I lean more towards a heart problem. You will want to keep rechecking his blood work. If it is a heart problem his kidneys will react first. The vet should have also put him on a special diet for either his kidneys or his heart. If he doesn’t respond I would get a second opinon from another vet. Make sure to take x-rays, and copies of blood work.



    As long as she keeps being so rough on them it is only a matter of time. You can try getting her softer toys. I got my shepard a cloth frisbie because she kept chewing the others up. I don’t know what type of food you feed her but you may talk to your vet about a diet higher in calcium or a calcium supplement. I don’t know if that would help or not. Sience diet came out with a new diet called T/D. It is for teeth, but you have to get it from the vet. Good luck!



    She could definatly have lice. She could also have some other type of mite. If you take her to a vet they will check and treat her. Durring treatment you will have to change her bedding daily.



    Dwarf frogs tend to be very aggressive over food. If the other one is not being aggressive you should move it too a different aquarium until it is eatting better, then you can try putting them back together. If it is the female eatting all the food she may be pregnant and the male may sense it. If you want babies you will have to remove the eggs or the parents will eat them.



    You want to be very carefull with that pill. We don’t carry it any more because there where too many side effects. Let the vet know you are planning to breed her and make sure you know of every thing to watch for. You should also ask where you should take her if she starts to have reactions and your vet is closed.

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