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  • #452095


    I have had a sheep farm a few years ago, and I have had coyote attacks. They are very bad, claw marks on the side of my sheep, parts removed on the hind quarters. I think if your dogs did do the damage they would have had blood on them for sure! It doesn’t sound very good for you, specially she is a vet and he is a sheriff. I understand and I am almost positive with that kind of damage to the llama they would of had to have blood stains on there mouth, somewhere. Couldn’t they have investigated more? Sounds like they were at the wrong place at the wrong time.



    I agree for going to a dog shelter. Make sure they can tell you as much as possible about the dog. The age, health issue’s, problems as well. If possible either a puppy or a dog that’s a bit older. Stay and visit for a couple of hours if you have to, to make sure you get to know the dog. This is very important! how is the dog reacting to your children, gently etc…Golden’s are great for family’s they do require good brushing as they do shed a lot, but are worth every moment of it because of their beautiful disposition. Some smaller dogs Bichon Frise are usually very nice but have to go in for grooming every 8-12 weeks costs could be $40-$60 each visit. Just do a lot of studying on the different breeds to make sure you are up for the care in your new family member. Hope this helps! Best of luck to you and your children on finding the perfect addition to your family



    You could try thinning the fur out on legs, rump area with thinning shears. If you want to take out mats as a groomer I just found out about mat magician. Works amazingly well and much less chance for cutting the dog. Use it, comb out and your mat comes out much more easily. Make sure you use a good conditioner after the bath.
    you can check out my site if you wish it has a video from youtube with the mat magician on it. No I am not getting paid to advertise it. I have it on my site because I just love the tool. It can demat a dog about 6-10 times but that is if he is in pretty bad shape

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