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    Gosh, I sure am glad to see so many people with lots more animals than I have. I have 8 cats, Girl Kitty, BB, Bitsy, Fuzzy, Mister, Squeeky, MewMew, and Holly.
    I have two dogs, one an Austrailian Shepherd and one a Border collie. I have two miniature donkeys, Joe and Mr. Gun Smoke and One horse, Frannie and 3 goats, Mish, Peepers, and Stuart Little. So they all keep me very busy.

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    I hate to tell you this, but dogs love cat poop. My dogs spend hours in my yard looking for cat poop. The only thing you can do is to try and keep the dog away from the litter box and scold the dog too. I really don’t think there is a solution other than keeping the dog away from the litter box.



    Have you looked on the internet??? Go Google ‘horses for sale’ and that should help you. They have all kinds of places. There is one big place but I cannot remember the name of it. If I think of it or find it I will post again.



    Diamond Tiger, I agree with you entirely. That would not be good to take a dog that already has a good home but has issues over one that really needs some attention and food etc. This person either needs to train the dog herself or put it down or get someone else brave enough to help her.
    I lived in Charleston for 30 years and now live in Anderson, S.C. You are very lucky to be living there.



    I certainly just learned a lot about the rescue situation. I didn’t realize that they put them to sleep also. But it makes sense, cause they certainly don’t have time to train the dog. I have seen around here, a car that advertises that they go around to people’s homes and train the dog. Look in your yellow pages and see if your town has one of those. Or call some of these dog training schools and see if there is someone that would be willing to come to your house and help you with the dog.
    By the way, Diamond Tiger, where do you live in South Carolina??



    That sounds like a super idea to interact with her more. Maybe take her for a walk or just sit with her so she thinks you are her friend. Anything to get her mind off of the puppies.



    I agree first of all that the dog needs to go to the vet. They can put a muzzle on her right away to give her her shots. It isn’t a big deal. My border collie has to have one cause she gets so nervous, that she tends to snap.
    Then I would try to resolve the situation. Try to do a little obedience yourself. With some treats, teach her to sit and down. In that way, you can control her a little.
    Then if all that doesn’t work, why not look for the rescue groups. There are some great people that do that.



    I have no experience with this sort of problem, but my common sense tells me to let her have the toy. She probably is just really lonely. After all 13 puppies is a lot to take care of and now she has nothing to do. But don’t take my word for it.



    There is an exercise that you can do while cantering, but be sure to ask your instructor if it is all right for you to try it. I taught horse back riding for 40 years and this exercise worked on most of the people that were having trouble. Also your horse needs to be good to do this. While you are cantering, take your reins in one hand, and with the other hand, hold on to the pommel of the saddle and pull yourself down into the saddle or in otherwords, pull back with your body. If that is confusing, I can try to explain it better.
    Good luck.
    Margie Elmendorf



    Glad things are a little better. That is good to have them together some, but try not to leave them alone while they are together. The older cat is just trying to put the kitten in her or his place and that probably is a good idea. I had a kitten come live here and the older cats told her that they were boss. And she just learned a lot of respect which is great. Good luck. Hope it works for you.



    Is there anyway, you can keep the new kitten in a totally separate room, like a bathroom, so the Older cat can get used to having another cat around. Usually older cats don’t mind little tiny kittens cause they are babies. But I would really try to separate them for a while.
    Margie Elmendorf



    I also think that try to keep taking him or her off the sofa everytime they get up there. The other thing, I thought of was to cover the sofa with a sheet or better yet cover it with something they might now like the smell of. Cats are hard to train and are very stubborn. Anyway, good luck.

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