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  • #491588


    Oh yes cats can share supplies. since there kittens they will get along fine. just let them sniff eachother and get use to eachother and by the night the two kittens will be friends! And they be able to share cat bowls, litter boxes etc. 😉



    Well okay thankyou psycho rat for your advice but the reason i came on here was to get advice on how to know if this guess was true. Not to know what to do because i already know what to do, but all i need is some advice on if this statment is true. I came on here for people to tell me their ideas on what this tumor might be. It obviously is a problem and I’m going to deal with it i just want to know if anyone has and idea of what it is. ::)



    Everythings gonna be fine!! ;D I just asked my dad if he took manny to the vet and he did. Manny is a ok! Thanks for your advice guys and girls! 😛 😛 😛



    A puppy teething is a normal thing. All puppys go through that phase. When my dog was little he was teething too. If your dog is going to lose a tooth just let him lose it. If it swells up to bad just make sure you let him lay off all the chewy toys a bit till the swelling goes down. 😛

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