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  • #429933


    Your advice was great and thank you for the time to write down all that information!!! Thank you so much! 😉



    My dog is getting loose because there is not a run or lead in this world that our dog can’t break! I now have to go to a hardware store in order to purchase a strong enough run. I think my fiance’ calls the run that we use "air plane cabel!" She is just such a strong dog that if she sees something that interests her, then she’ll bolt and sometimes that means snapping her run off of the trees. I am going to call my vet tonight to see if she has any trainers that could help me. I Thank you very much for your help!! My dog is like my child and I love her so much and I really, really thank you! 🙂



    There is not any specific breed of dog or cat that people can say is "better" or "worse" then the other. I have had many animals through out my life and many of them were dogs and cats. When picking out a dog or cat make sure that your whole family is there to meet the new animal. Watch to see how the animal reacts to your children and husband. You can tell a lot about an animal when first meeting him/her, believe me you will be able to tell what kind of personality the animal has. At this point in time I have a mixed breed (1/2 German Shepard 1/2 Great Dane) and I remember when I got her I just knew that she would be perfect for me. If you are thinking about getting a dog or cat from a shelter, they will usually outline what type of personality the dog/cat has. I have gotten almost all of my animals from shelters and all of them have been wonderful! 🙂



    If you have to keep your dog outside for prolonged periods of time, I would think of buying your pet a fido fleece. I bought one for my dog and she loves it, she stays nice and warm outside and comes in with TONS of energy. My dog only stays outside for short periods of time because #1 I live in Maine and #2 I love her too much to make her stay outside. But, if your dog HAS to stay outside I would definately buy your dog a jacket, it may sound silly to dress up your dog, but it really, really helps with the cold weather. Even if you decide to keep your dog inside for most of the day, I would still buy a jacket and put it on her while she is outside going to the bathroom. 🙂

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