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    sorry to hear about your dog only making it to 9 years old :'( My dog (Angel) just turned 9 about 2 weeks ago. By the way how do you post pictures?



    thanks for the replys. one of my biggest problems is there is another very big dog that is one of the first houses we pass and my dog and that dog DO NOT get along they start growling and jumping all over each other (i know dogs do that to play but this IS NOT play). the dog is not on a chain or in a kennel so she can do as she pleases she isnt agressive towards me she seems to like me but hates Angel. the house is one of the closest houses to ours and there isnt a way to go around it (we live on a dead end rode, we are the last house) every time we go past there they start running towards each other growling viciously. the other dog usualy stays in its yard but i cant controle my dog there is no way she will get distracted with treats or anything i can keep her from getting away from me but i dont want to hurt her, we do have a harness though. are there any other sugestions on how to control her without seeking profecional help?



    Hi i dont know if i will be of any help but i have a Golden Retriever who smiles all the time, she is almost 9 and has always done it. It quite often scares people when they first meet her, she rincles up her nose and shows her teeth ( and often sneezes all over the person next to her from rincling her nose up so much). I agree with getting your dog looked at, we never had Angel (my dog) looked at becuase we were told it was a common thing in Goldens and we had her from the time she was 6 weeks old and has always done it. Hope all goes well with you and your dog!



    Thanks for the advise, Karen 🙂



    hi i have never herd of people cutting dogs ears. Is this normal or is it just a cruel thing they did? i dont have any advise but i feel very sorry for both you and your dog, that must be very hard for him/her to live like that.



    thanks for you responce, but i dont really think it is becuase "she wants to dies" or "wants to play fetch". i got advise from someone i know and they were just like "she probably just wants to cool off or something". She also is a very protective dog. As far as "going to die" goes, she is VERY VERY puppyish, she is always running around and playing and you can tell she isnt ready to go yet. she never is away from the house she just sits on our porch next to the door, its not like she is away from the house. Once again thanks for the reply but i think i will just stick to making sure she comes in after about 15 min.



    hi, do you have wild ferrets out where you live? i dont live near California so i dont know. if you do then i would just let it be or post an ad in the paper asking if anyone is missing there ferrett. make sure if you post and ad then you ask them to identify him (like tell you its color and stuff). As far as trying to cetch him goes i would let him be unless he comes up to you when you are outside or something, i would go around chasing him. hope this helps!



    hi i dont have too much advise, as i am in a simalar situation with my dog. but if she is eating lots of human fodd then i woud completely stop that, but if your family is like mine and wont then limit her dog food cause if she is eating scraps plus her dog food then that is alot.i would give you more info but i am also trying to get my dog to loose weight. srry i’m not much help. i will let you know if i come across realy good info.



    thanks for the responses….one of my main problems is the fact that she wont go within 3 feet of the bathroom door. she is really afraid of baths…during the summer i give her baths outside (right next to our garage) and she will NEVER even if we are just going out there to get something she will never go over there, and its not like the water was cold it was warm. there is no way i can get her into the bathroom.



    Thanks for all the advise! i will try doing that, i just gave lilly some treats by putting it in my hand and letting her take it from me and she took about 15 min just to get to the treat…she kept getting close to it then really quickly backing away (obviously she has some trust issues) but i will keep working with her….once again thanks!



    Thank you so much for responding so quickly! Last night i talk to my family and told them that they arent allowed to feed her any more and no more table scrapes and they listened and havent, but it has only been one day and my guess is by tomarrow they will be doing it again. But i am monituring her food intake and have read that it is best if they are fed two meals a day so i am doing that. and they are cooperating quite well cause normaly we all do stuff for her such as feed her and walk her, but i told them if they can cooperate that i will do all of that. I have another problem….i live in Michigan and it gets VERY cold her at this time of the year and i cant walk her cause she gets too cold. what can i do so she can be getting excersize?



    :oomigosh! how can owning rats be illegal! lol i think that is funny….actualy kind of wierd. ummm i dont really know what you should do, thats kind of a silly law.i feel bad for you to be denied they enjoyment of owning your rats. i am probably not much help but though, sorry. keep us posted on what happens!



    the reason i cant put them together is cause they used to get along but daisy had to get surgery and got stiches and the docter said to keep them seperate for 1 week so i bought them seperate cages (planing on putting them back together after that week though). when i put them back i cleaned out one of the cages and changed all the things in there (remembering that someone had told me that they can become very terarorial if another animal is put into there cage and i thought it might be different if i did that) and put them back together and imediatly they started kindof looking at eachother funny and didnt seem like they wanted to be near each other then they started fighting and i imediatly grabed them both and found that lilly had bitten daisy on her foot and she was bleeding so i figured if that is what can happen when i stoped it right away, just amagine what she would have done to her if i didnt. i have tried holdiding them both and putting them near each other and the stop and stare at eachother and make a wierd sounds, it sounds like they are grinding there teeth and if they are close to eachother they get there hands up and hit eachother! also you had mentioned putting there cages next to each other….they are.



    i have 2 dwarf hamsters. there names are Daisy and lilly 🙂



    for a hamster i would recomend an aquarium tank, you dont have to worry about them getting out cause it is completely surounded. i have had 3 cousins that have wire cages and 2 of them had there hamsters get loose. but if you have an aquarium tank keep it out of direct sunlight or it can get really hot in there.

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