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  • #454718


    I didn’t think that this site was for free vet advice. I thought we were to share experiences and educate people to our ability. If you are not a vet, you are not legally allowed to give someone advice on what drugs to give their pet. I just think that some people overstep their bounds a little. This is actually my first time on this forum, I thought I could help people. I read one of the replies where someone actually told them which drugs to ask for at the vet. Are we diagnosing over the internet now?



    I’m not sure of the enclosure that you have, but it sounds like you have them in an area that is permeable by airborne particles. I would be worried that maybe someone had been spraying pesticide in the vicinity of your aviary that may have poisoned their water. If a wild bird may have gotten into your aviary it may have given them a virus or bacteria that they may not be able to fight off. I am very sorry for your loss. I am just speculating since I can’t see the birds or their enclosure.



    I know it sounds simple, but does she have any fleas? It sounds like you may need to see your vet to check for other allergies also. I’m sure He/She can prescribe you something for relief.



    If you must put your cats outside maybe you should look into purchasing an enclosure of some sort. Revival pet makes this really cool net to cover your yard so that the cats are safe. Try them in a crate outside in a shady area. My cats go outside to go potty and then I let them back in. You can’t just do it cold turkey. It sounds like you are dedicated and going about it in a caring way. There is alot to be scared of outside, such as wildlife, dogs,vehicles, airplanes flying overhead, etc… Good luck with them.



    I’m sorry but I’m getting kind of annoyed at everyone giving medical advise to a young person without even seeing their animal. Maybe you should call your vet and have a check-up. Is she a puppy or an older dog? There are many things that can lead to aggressive chewing on a limb such as allergies and arthritis in a joint. Please see your vet if it is really a problem you are concerned about.

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