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  • #477112

    it seems you got a problem on your hands, try this, give her lots of hay, but give it to her in a bowl with pellets mixed in, so she can still get the nutrients, if that doesnt work, then still give her hay, but mix in extra veggies and try to find a wieght gaining pellet, then when she has the babies, take them to the vet so you can make sure they are all fit and healthy and they have a chance of surviving.


    it seems you got a problem on your hands, try this, give her lots of hay, but give it to her in a bowl with pellets mixed in, so she can still get the nutrients, if that doesnt work, then still give her hay, but mix in extra veggies and try to find a wieght gaining pellet, then when she has the babies, take them to the vet so you can make sure they are all fit and healthy and they have a chance of surviving.


    THANX!!! that is really helpfull!, we sold one of the babies so now there is only 2, the momma is a mostly outdoor cat, but does come inside wen she feels like it, i think the runt will be ok now that one kitten is gone to a new home, but i will watch him, my kittens are already in their "teenage years", and they are only 9 weeks old!!!!they climb on everything, and their fur is matted and tangled, if they were any bigger i would thing they were adults!!! but thanx for the advise!!!!


    by the sound of it, they are just having a little kitten argument, but you sed they have their own room? well that might be a problem, cats like to be able to find their own place to sleep, so if you lock them in a room overnight, then they will kinda get cabin fever, just make sure that there is nothing dangerous or valuable in a place where the girls can get to it (and take other per-cautions like wheather or not they can get out of the house) and let them roam your house with ease, and if they meet up and get into a little hissy fit (no pun intended) they will have plenty of places to get away from each other!!!but if i totally took wat you sed the wrong way, then…i dont kno…use some1 elses advice…buh byes!!!


    all you have to do is separate the 2 of them, then wait to see if your bunny’s tummy grows in the next couple weeks! thats all, and if your bunny has babies, KEEP THE DADDY AWAY!!!or he will try to kill them ;D


    i have never known of a dwarf hamster not biting someone, so if you want to keep it, i suggest only handling it when you need to clean its cage, or just sell the poor thing…punish a hamster, what is going through your mind?!?!


    my friends rabbit had the same problem, she HATED being picked up, wat she did was she would put her in a small closed area with lots of things to play with , then she sat down inside, and everytime she would come close, she would pet her and in time, she could set her in her lap and pet her, now she can carry her all over the house, and she is trying to get her used to a leash, so she can get used to the outside world, so if you want to have a comfortable relationship with your bunny, then sit by the cage and just pet her every now and then, and feed her out of your hands, dont just drop the carrot( or whatever it is, carrots work best) on the ground, you can even try talking to her, so she gets used to your voice, and for the shedding, its most likely just from her being overstressed, so at night, and during the day if its noisy, put a blanket over the cage big enuff to cover all the sides, and make sure she has a nice warm nest or something to curl up in and fall asleep!!!if the shedding continues, see your vet about lice or pests, or something like that!!!

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