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    Canidae is WAY better than Diamond any day. Canidae has never been a part of any recall in dog food that I can recall. I fed a dog that I used to have chicken soup and she got VERY sick. Did you read the editors review of the link that you sent me? They are even insinuating that it isn’t the greatest food. Especially because they wouldn’t recommend it. I would never feed any of my pets Diamond because of the experience that I had. I am not trying to attack you but I think that your facts are a little skewed.



    I have decided to feed them Canidae. They both love it! No vomiting anymore, they are losing weight (which they needed to), not as much poo, and they don’t eat as much. It is right for my budget as well. about $37 for a 30lb bag.



    I would rather just change their food instead of giving them oil. American Natural Premium is only $30.00 for a 40 lb bag. Not that expensive.



    I have come across another food that I don’t know that much about and I was wondering if anyone has heard of it and what they think if it. It is called American Natural Premium. I went onto their website and seen many ingredients that were "… meal". I am considering switching them to a natural dog food because they are both CONSTANTLY scratching and biting at themselves, very dry skin and I just don’t like what they are on now.



    neutering helps to reduce your dogs urge to run. the urge to run is brought on by the urge to mate. it can also help with their aggression with people and other dogs. also when males are not neutered the excrete a yellowish thick liquid and with neutering that stops as well.



    I see the point of all the posts about crate training them. I personally believe in it whole heartedly because the crate is your dogs own private space that no other member of the family can invade, a place for the dog to go of his/her own free will to have time to its self if it feels the need to. Crate training is also a plus to help with potty training *** not as an excuse to not train your dog***. a dog will not mess where it sleeps and eats, (yes some dogs mess in kitchens but probably on the other side of the room from where the food bowls are), i had crate trained a boxer puppy and she would go in there to sleep during the day and at night.
    I have a puggle now and he goes into his crate when we are eating dinner (of his own will) and sits there with the door open. when used correctly the crate is an amazing asset as a training tool. *** i have never and will never use a crate as a punishment*** that is the only cruel part of a crate are the owners that dont use them properly. i hope that the people that dont agree with crate training will have a little better view as to why some do prefer to utilize a crate. also i would like to note that some dogs dont like the wire crates because they feel vulnerable the "airline" crates are better because the appeal to the primal instinct of the dogs and create a cave like place for them to rest.



    I use something called 8 in 1 complete pet stain and odor remover. I lived in a house that had stains all over the carpet and the smell!! I put this in a spray bottle and sprayed the stain in the carpet and let it sit for 10 minutes and the stain was gone. After I attacked more of the stains with this the smell disappeared as well. I hope this helps!



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    the steam cleaner doesn’t get rid of his scent so i would consider investing in a product like the one I mentioned. I would also be careful of ping and pong tearing through the sides of their crates and potentially eating parts of the crates out of anxiety and stress.



    What do you use to clean up the messes that you find? What I use is 8in1 complete pet stain and odor remover. this takes the smell away so pong doesn’t want to go and pee around the house anymore. he is most likely marking his territory and remarking because he can still smell his scent on whatever he peed on. and the pooping could be because of just eating or because of the separation anxiety. and i would just place them in their crates when you leave because honestly is doesn’t matter who is making the messes as long as we can get it to stop. also what kind of crates did you get them?



    wow i have never heard of anything like that before! if she is doing ok now i dont see why there would be a problem later.. but i am not a vet so dont take my word for it. but please let us know what the vet says!



    i still dont understand what you mean… all female dogs have 2 orifices back there. but does theis second opening that you are speaking of look like the opening that is more under her? i would ask your vet as well to be certain.



    what do you mean that she has 2 places to pee from? like a penis and female genitalia? please elaborate.



    i want to tell you that in no way is crating an animal punishment. I have a puppy that is 1 year old and she has been crate trained since she was 3 months old. when she goes to sleep and whenever there is no one at home she goes in her crate, (an airline crate because they are more cave like and dogs like this better). if she is left unsupervised she will be destructive. i would suggest crating them during the day because it will "kill two birds with one stone". 1) it will keep either/both of them from peeing and pooping in the house because dogs dont like to mess where they sleep and 2) it will prevent the from tearing your home to pieces. i believe it is humane and no they will not resent you for crating them. feel free to ask any questions you may have as to how to make them love their crates and overall doggy questions! i will answer to the be]t of my ability!



    putting one in the crate probably wasn’t the greatest idea because which ever one you put in the crate probably thought they were getting punished. and my older dog and puppy did the exact same thing. my puppy was just getting too excited. that could have been it. my dogs play fight pretty rough but that is just them. when i feel it is getting too rough i just walk between them. dogs will play rough and if you dont let them than they will never decide who is dominant and who isnt. this is something that they need to do to have a harmonious household.

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