Heartworm & Dogs

Home Community Dogs Health Heartworm & Dogs

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Animals 15 years, 8 months ago.

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    Just as a reminder, Heartworm is a common ailment in dogs & cats. It’s caused from mosquito bites, and the worms can live and grow inside an animal’s heart for 3-5 years with no obvious affects. Heartworm medicine, a tablet taken only once monthly, will prevent your pet from any suffering such as respiratory infections and heavy breathing. The treatment of Heartworm is very hard on their systems, and many do not survive the treatment. That’s why PREVENTIVE measures should be taken. I just wanted people to know that in case any owners didn’t know..



    Alexa Lyn- i’m glad u posted that, i thought it was only a Treatment, i will definitely start giving my dog a monthly pill. i also have a cat, so i’ll be giving it to her too!

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