Unexplainable Death

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  ilovelicorice 19 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have had 2 collard lizards for about a year now,among many other lizards,recently i decided to change them to a new vivarium.When i did this I made sure the temps and all that were correct b4 i put the lizards in.My male,Zeus,did fine.However,my female,Athena,suddenly DIED after about a half hour for NO apparent reason.Can someone help me and explain how this may have happened PLEASE?


    🙂 😉 😀 ;D ??? 😛 :-*Sometimes, and often animals get affected by a habitatal change. The change must be slow and gradual. Transfer just one fist, and see how it goes. If it is okay after a few days, then put the next one in. If the first one dies, ther’s a problem. Either the change was too sudden, or the difference in the materials in both vivariums may have differed too greatly. For more info, you can ask the pet shop, the RSPCA, look on the internet, check in books, ask friends and specialists, or ask at the place you got them from. I hope that is of some use to you!!!



    it seems likely that it was due to stress after changing homes hence him dieing after only half an hour. ??? :'( ???

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