Meowing Kitten

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    I have a kitten (approx 6 mnths old) that meows constantly as soon as I go to bed. Does anyone else have this problem or ever had this problem because I don’t know what to do! I check her food and water bowls and they are always full and still she meows all night long. Could someone please help me!



    Hi lunapies! Regarding your 6 month old kitten, do you allow the kitten into the bedroom? If not, this may be the problem. We always have our bedroom doors, open wide enough for the cats to come in & out all night. Sometimes they like to lay on the bed, or on the floor, or they just come in to check up on us. With our other cats, we would keep all the bedroom doors closed. Then, along came a little kitten, we named Romeo, who would sit at the doors & meow up a storm. And as we adopted each new cat, he taught them this action. We found the easiest solution for us, was to just leave the door open enough for the cats to come in & out as they wished. Another problem might be the cat being lonely for another feline. This is the problem one of my sisters had. Have you thought of getting your present kitten a companion? A kitten younger than your 6 month old. I don’t know if I was any help, but it might be a start.



    Your advice was great and thank you for the time to write down all that information!!! Thank you so much! 😉



    We have the opposite problem! Our noisy Bengal kittens wake us up in the morning at 5:30am wanting breakfast. We’re new cat owners. I thought they needed wet food in the mornings, but they beg for it to the point where they get on the bed, sniff in our faces and meow at the top of their lungs for food. Should I cut out breakfast all together and just give them wet food at night? Is there anything else we should consider? Thanks!



    🙂 Was your kitten in your house since really young with her mom bc if you just got her she is maybe lonely or something like that. Is she alowd in your room or somebodies room at night cause if she isn’t she might get lonely



    Hi KimNalda! Since your Bengal kittens wake you up at 5:30 a.m., that brings up a couple questions. First, is that the time you & your hubby get up for work? If so, they must think, "oh boy, time for breakfast!!" 🙂 Even if that is your day off. Or, did you just adopt them from a breeder recently? Did that breeder & his/her spouse arise at 5:30 a.m. ? The kittens might be used to that schedule, of being fed that early. As for feeding, dry food, I feel, has many more nutrients in it, than canned. But, this is only my opinion. And feed them can food before you go to sleep; this helps them sleep thru the night. When our cats were kittens, we fed them Purina Kitten Chow. However, if there is a PetsMart or Petco near you, there are other brands of kitten formula you can buy. Kittens should be fed kitten brand food until they reach 1 yr of age; no matter how large they get. Also you can look at & online, to view their kitten foods. I am sure that you know, that when you purchase food, always read the ingredients. Don’t assume that because the pkg states kitten or wt reduction, etc, that it is nutritious. If it states "by-products", that indicates chopped up bones, brain, etc of that particular animal. Make certain that the food you buy for your kittens (& later cats) is nutritious. What we do for our cats is set out their dry food from 7 a.m. (when I leave for work) til 10 p.m. (when I go to sleep. Then we put out two 5.5 oz cans of food for the 6 kitties to eat thru the night. What canned food does not get eaten thru the night, gets thrown out in the morn, & their dry food put out again. If you do not want the kittens to give you a "wake up call", you can always close the door. Or if you are afraid they will scratch the door or walls. You can always put them in another room far from your room, with food, toys, comfy kitty beds, etc. If they start to cry, you can always play soft classical music for them thru the night or with my cats, since I have a 5 CD changer. I put on 5 Native American flute cd’s, which is nice & soft, & helps them sleep. Also some cats/kittens are leary of the dark (just like humans)., so you can plug in a nite-light for them. I don’t know if these suggestions helped you with your concerns; but I am hoping they did.

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