Cat attacked my dog

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    My cat Reagan attacked my pitt (chito) today, scratching him leaving pieces of his nails in head, ear, and hind end for no apparrent reason. Had Chito retalliated you would probably hear a story about another pitt bull attack. This is not the case. Reagan came into our home at 2 weeks, his mother was hit by a car, he is not 4 1/2 yrs and chito is 6. Chito basically raised Reagan from day 1 and the 2 have been unseperateable from the beginning. Several mos ago I started noticing Reagan picking on Chito whenever he was asleep. He would sneakup on the bed and scratch his face or some part of his body. Today was the ultimate attack, he jumped on him and chased him around the house and even when i got Chito into the room Reagan still tried to get in to continue the fight until I locked him up in the bedroom for a while. Does anyone know what would cause this behavior. I’m not so sure I want to leave the house and leave them alone, I do have 3 other cats and another dog, as well as birds, and a hamster, but Reagan dosen’t seem interested in them, only in Chito. Any advice would be helpful.



    Wow… I have never heard such a thing, most dogs would not stand for that, and would fight back… I would fight back! lol
    Anyway to try to help… not that I am experienced with cats at all, but here goes my advice…
    It seems that Reagan seems to think he can boss Chito around, and gets away with it. He is either trying to take control, or has some underlying problem… and is taking it out on Chito because he knows he will get away with it, where the others would fight back?
    Anyway you need to take charge and let him know he cannot do that, any time you see any bulling at any level not just the aggression I suggest giving Reagan a firm no and shutting him out of the room…
    I would also recommend watching the pack together and see if you can notice any body language to see any other bullying, and sort that out. Has Reagan seen a vet recently/has any other problems?



    Reagans is being a bully and I don’t know why. Something is going on, when we go out we put a pad down for the dog to use incase we don’t get back home in time to let him out and by golly Reagan is using it now and he is still dogging Chito, however today I noticed that he started to dog him, when Chloe my little cocker/toy poodle came out of the room and growled and stared him down then he ran off to the kitchen to hide under the table. Chloe seems to know that Reagan is giving Chito a bad time, also they used to sleep together on my daughters Cal King bed and now Reagan will not let Chito get on the bed. He will do everything in his power to keep him off, he’s afraid of Chloe but not of Chito and it dosen’t make any sense. Meanwhile Chito hides behind Chloe and they say pitts are aggressive, but they haven’t met our pitt yet. I took Reagan to the vet just to be on the safe side and doc gave the A-OK healthwise, but attitude wise he says don’t let him get away with it. I seem to have a problem



    Reagan is trying to become the leader of the pack, and Chito is letting him get away with it and being submissive. Chloe is standing up for Chito, which is good, but this should be you! You should be the leader, and the leader keeps everyone else in control! Put your foot down in an assertive manner, not to scare any of them, but to let them know it is not acceptable to have any form of fights or bulling!
    Do you watch Dog Whisper? Ceaser Millan is brilliant, even with getting trough to cats, some of his techniques are questionable, but over all they seem to work.



    ok i have to admit it’s kind of funny a cat beating up a pit bull My cat Dusty did the same thing to a Pit bull that we pet sit He had her pinned in a corner i was napping on the sofa and i woke to venuses pitiful wimpers cats must know what pit bull are really like that they can walk all over them Dustys excuse was that he was 15 and had hyperthyroidism this can sometimes change their personality and in dustys case it made him aggressive towards the other animals . i agree that he is trying to be top cat maybe stomping your foot, a spray bottle or can filled with coins to shake when he does this might deter him I can’t say for sure that it will work b/c with Dusty i had his thyroid removed and he became himself again and we had no more problems but it is worth a try

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