my dog is under some bad influences…I need help

Home Community Dog Behavior my dog is under some bad influences…I need help

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  SJ 16 years, 6 months ago.

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    My dog used to be perfectly trained but about two months ago some new dogs showed up in my yard. At first she’d ignore them but they kept coming back, now she ignores me when they’re around and sometimes even when they aren’t…I don’t know what to do anymore



    put up a fence and call animal control and tell them about the dogs and they will warn the owners to keep the dogs in a fenced yard or on a leash.



    If shes anything like my daft mutt, then shes just more interested in them than she currently is in you, and then shes slowly learning that if she ignors you she can have more fun doing what she wants. The best way to deal with this is be the most interesting thing around, run around and make daft high piched noises and wave your arms around or toys, if shes a playful dog at all she will come running at you, unfortunatly for my doppy lad hes quite big (bull terrier type body but much taller!) and the brains of a nut shell! To put it simply we usualy end up in a heap on the ground but he loves it so it works! This was she is been rewarded for playing with you, which is what you need for her to be responsive to your commands.
    Good Luck and hope you dont end up too muddy!

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