Cystic overies

Home Community Small Pets Cystic overies

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lynnette 15 years, 7 months ago.

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    My 4 1/2 year old has just been dianosed with cystic overies, so I have the choice between having them out or leaving them in. They have been drained and have remained small and the only effect they are having on her is that she keeps mounting her sister who has just had the operation. I dont want to risk the anasetic just so I can keep them together but they have always been together. The reason we went ahead with having the first one done was because she had spilt her tooth and after many attempt to cut it above the split we found it had split at the root and I was worried it might get infected so was going to have an anasetic anyway. Any thoughts?



    In my opinion it is not worth risking it if the cysts have stayed small and are not bothering her. Guinea Pigs don’t do well with ops so should only be concidered if there is no other options.



    I used to have four male guinea pigs. Guinea Pigs don’t do well with anastesia, but it seems to be the only solution for permanent removal of cysts. It’s a decision you’ll have to make – either keep monitoring the cysts or remove them, even though the operation would be a risk. But if she’s in pain, then there is no quality of life and the operation should be considered. A tough decision…

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