5 and a half month old puppy going in heat soon?

Home Community Dogs 5 and a half month old puppy going in heat soon?

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    i have a five and a half month old puppy and i have a 3 and a half year old dog and lately my older dog has been licking her "area" an dafter his tongue looks like its doing a weird dance, and the only other time i have seen him do this is when we were taking care of a stray that was in heat. does this mean that my puppy is getting ready to go into heat? and i am making an appointment for her to be spayed tomorrow, will this resolve my problem? if someone can tell me what to expect when i bring her home after her spay i would appreciate it. thank you in advance for any information anyone can give me about these subjects!

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    She will still carry a, "scent" for a bit after surgery..so it will take him awhile to figure out that it’s not going to happen for him…:)
    Dogs sniff butt…this may resolve your problem..but dogs are still butt sniffers. If you have seen this before in a heat situation with HIM, then I woud imagine spaying her will fix the issue.
    I’m assuming the male is fixed..



    the male would be fixed if it were up to me but the male was around before i was so sadly no he isnt, but to avoid more unneeded puppies in the world and to avoid being labeled as a byb i have chosen to spay my puppy. will she bleed alot? how do i keep them from ripping her stiches open? i am clueless as to if i need to keep her in her crate more to prevent injury to herself because she is a VERY high energy dog. i thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, and i have read alot of questions that you have posted on and i think that you are a person that is rich with knowledge an di am glad that you have divulged some of it to me!

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    You need to separate them IMMEDIATELY….and KEEP them COMPLETELY SEPARATED UNTIL SHE IS HEALED—ask your vet for a more specific time frame—-he can HURT her after surgery.
    And you should do you best to persuade whoever that the male get fixed….do you know that for the number of babies born each day, SEVEN TIMES more dogs are born?? It is the responsible thing to do-period.
    Now…let me go back and and read the rest of your post….



    believe me i have tried!!!! i want both of then fixed and soon. but i guess fixing her is better than not right? i dont want him to get all the nasty ailments that comes with not being neutered. and yes i did know that stats ive preached to him but i guess my pleas fall on deaf ears.



    That was very nice for you to say. Thank you.
    Will she bleed a lot? Shouldn’t at all.
    Stitches: she will have stitches that will need to be removed, INTERNAL DISSOLVABLE stitches or glue. She PROBABLY won’t bother the incision, if she does, the vet will probably want her to have what they call an Elizabethan collar (e-collar…some people call it a LAMPSHADE as that is what it looks like).
    Activity: More than likely the vet will keep her overnight and LET THEM DO SO. Even though she is high energy, she will probably be a little less active as would anyone after such a surgery. Be easy/gentle with her-ESPECIALLY her tummy as she WILL be sore. SHe doesn’t need to be in a situation where another dog is rough/playing, etc.., as she NEEDS TO HEAL.
    MAKE SURE that when she goes to POTTY, she is ACTUALLY PEEING and not JUST SQUATTING. If you don’t see PEE-don’t PANIC BUT DO take her back to the vet.
    The best thing to do is to address all of your concerns wih your vet BEFORE surgery. The only stupid question is one that isn’t asked.



    Sure it good that you are spaying her.
    It’s a shame that your pleas fall on deaf ears with the male….the BENEFITS of neutering are staggering. In today’s world, with the astounding euthanasia rate of 5 MILLION this year, to choose NOT to fix you animal is just plain irresponsible.
    I would implore you to keep harping and nagging about it until he gives in.



    i will do dont worry, and its only the truth!
    what type of questions am i to ask the vet before surgery?
    they are going to keep her for two days after the surgery and i am going to feel horrible i will miss my baby! but i know it is for her own good.
    if you looked at the picture of the babies as i call them you will notice that the male has only three legs. ( again pre-me or it wouldnt have happened) and when they amputated his leg the vet offered to fix him for FREE and he said no!!!
    he said that if he woke up without his leg he would be mad but if he woke up without the "fellas" than he would kill someone, i told him that was a terrible excuse! but he is a man and he will do as he pleases.
    again thank you so much for all your answers!!

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    also how hard will it be for her to poop?



    No problem pooping.
    Just ask the vet things like you are asking me.
    If it were ME…I know it’s not..but if it were, I would take male myself and get him fixed.
    That’s just a total lack of knowledge and education on the subect for him to have such a silly response to neutering.



    i called the vet and asked them all the questions that i asked you and they calmed my fears but i am still scared to leave her there for 2 WHOLE days, i cant even visit her (they say when i leave she will get depressed) but i want her to be fixed so i gotta do what i gotta do!



    Some vets let you visit – some don’t—mainly because of sickness/disease being transmitted..I personally think people should be able to see their pets and check on them…but that’s just my opinion.
    Your dog will be asleep and recovering most of the time–she will be fine.
    Congratulations on your very wise decision to be a responsible pet owner with your girl. 🙂



    i wanted to let you know that i did get her fixed and she is doing fine but the vet said she is having a reaction to her internal stitches and that i should watch her and try to keep her as quiet as possible to avoid aggravating the tissue anymore but other than that she is great and it didnt even phase her. not even a scar!!



    Hi, I just got my 8mth. old puppy spayed, she had no problems. Your puppy will be very groggy & will sleep most of the day, mine did not eat the first day either but I tried to get her to drink. Their are no restrictions on ther activcity the first day my vet said let her do anything she wants. Good Luck



    thanks!! sophia was at the vet for 2 days and when i got her it was like nothing had happened! i am glad i made the decision to spay her though.

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