Is a shy cavy unhappy?

Home Community Small Pets Is a shy cavy unhappy?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 5 months ago.

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    I’ve had a male guinea pig since April and he seems very shy. In retrospect, his spunk at the pet store seems to have been the desire to hide under another cavy. He doesn’t squeal/squeak now at all, but he used to a little. He also used to get frisky at my children’s bedtime. He’d jump and race around the cage, but now he usually just hides. What’s going on? How do I make my cavy happy?



    If your cavy is acting lethargic at all, this could be a sign of something going wrong. Often, small animals hide symptoms (survival thing, you do not want to let on that you are sick – you become easier prey). If he had been active at the pet store and even at home and that is changing, he should be seen by a vet to rule out medical issues first. Best to play it safe as often it is the subtle changes we miss. If he is healthy, then he may be craving attention. Cavies are very social animals and live in groups. Isolation for a cavy is not fair and against what they are. You may have to step in and provide that extra stimulation. Now, cavies from pet shops are mill bred just like puppies and kittens. There is no care taken for health and temperament. (I used to personally know a couple mill breeders and would never recommend a pet shop animal for the reasons I have seen). Also, it is very hard for these animals to recieve proper socializing as youngsters so that they learn to trust and bond to humans. If you decide to ass a second cavy, please, go to a rescue and choose a good match for your boy (just make sure if you get a female that he is neutered first). A good rescue can help you pick a good match. But rule out medical first. There also may be nutritional issues going on, etc.

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