rabbit and giunea-pigs.

Home Community Small Pets rabbit and giunea-pigs.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 4 months ago.

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    Ive got a rabbit and giunea-pig together and they get on fine but i wish to breed my rabbit, so how long before my rabbit has her babies ,should i take my giunea-pig away from my rabbit ?, so she doesnt see her as a threat. Also how long after before i put my giunea-pig back in with the rabbit?



    A few months ago I had replied to a similar question and I had info from several sources – including a vet – outlining teh dangers of this – it can be done aslong as teh rabbit is calm and the different nutritional needs for both species are met. And the GP is NOT on a wire surface. and at least the rabbit has been spayed or neutered (both sexes can get aggressive and hormonal and injure the GP – even does may nount or act aggressively when ready to breed) But of you are going to breed the female – they should not be housed together at all and probably not after the kits are placed in homes. Now, having bred rabbits for many years for show and wool, are you ready for the possible temperament changes in the female as well as the physical risks associated with breeding? I had more than one doe become a territorial nightmare after kindling (and these does were never bred again as temperament is part hereditary and this was a trait I did not wish to risk passing on but until bred, the does were sweet). Some does never returned to their old self either. I would not have the GP in the cage at all during pregnancy and even after – the rabbit may very well not like the intrusion and a rabbit can kill a GP. Gestation for a rabbit is a range of 28 – 35 days with a 30-31 day average. Kits should not be placed until eight weeks of age. Again

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