Freddy – I’ll be waiting for you to play ball OK?

Home Community Pet Loss Support Freddy – I’ll be waiting for you to play ball OK?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  sky 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #493427


    Dear Fred,

    I’m sorry I didn’t write sooner but I knew you were really sad and I didn’t
    want you to feel any more pain.

    I’ve been settling in around here but I really miss our walks and your sense of humor and watching you mumble jokes to yourself. No one feeds me food under the table here and I have to compete with those damn German Shepards and Great Danes. They really make me mad so I bark at them until they move.
    This place is OK, but it sure was nothing like being home with you and
    my tennis balls.

    I just wanted to say that I’m doing OK but anytime you want to come
    visit and play ball again, I’ll always be waiting for you.

    Love always,
    Your #1 pal in life,

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    im so sorry for ur loss

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